Registration and Waitlisting

I want to take What is Justice? for my Writing 1 requirement (which I opted for with my first year program seminar application), but the class is full. I talked to my advisor and he told me that I could waitlist for What is Justice? but what is the chance of me getting off the waitlist and when do we find out if we are off the waitlist (is it before fall classes actually start)? Also, if I do waitlist for it should I first enroll in a section of writing 1 in case I do not get off the waitlist or take my chances? Do you also know when the last day to unenroll in a class without a mark on your transcript is? Sorry for so many questions! Thank you in advance. :slight_smile:

You need to take either What is Justice of Writing 1 for the semester that youre assigned to take it in, so I think you should also sign up for Writing 1 if possible. Not sure about the chances of getting off the waitlist for that class (I took Writing 1 my freshman year) but I’d say its really slim. You find out about getting off waitlists as other people drop out of the class. E.g. if youre person 1 on the waitlist, you will find out as soon as one person from the class clicks “drop course” on their registration. As for the last day to unenroll without a mark, it’s early September- I think either the 2nd or 3rd week of school.