Reject Train Going Full Speed

@lookingforward Yes I agree, it’s a very toxic idea to have but it was just (the Questbridge Discord Channel) “steady stream” (as in the vast majority) of the people who matched to these tippy-top colleges happened to be those.

A 3.65 UW is awful, but my average grades are A- (on a full AP curriculum) with a few B+'s and A’s scattered throughout (at my school a 4.0 = A, 3.66= A-). Still, that doesn’t help within the context of admissions though I guess.

I get that scores are not everything (like of course not), but it’s a hard pill to swallow down that some of these amazing students (referring to others on the Discord, URM or Not) with extreme hardships are not getting matched because they didn’t “nail” the other parts of the aspect → which made not just me but pretty much everyone on the Discord channel wonder if the “below objective statistic” students have a better personality, can just write better essays, or whatnot. It also doesn’t help when they said they didn’t report their lowest scores to Questbridge…stat posts truly are toxic yikes :dizzy:

^ This is why I initially (day of decisions) felt pretty low on confidence. What chance do I have a regular decision if I didn’t “nail” something? Are the LAC that I want to attend going to see that and say the same thing? These questions the Admissions Officer answered and assured so that’s extremely uplifting.

I’m not sure how QB works in terms of order of choices and how colleges pick the students for those precious Match scholarships. But I do know that schools like CMU, CWR, NU, UCh etc, get far far more qualified applicants from their state and within a couple hours from the schools than they can accept without becoming a “local” it “Regional” school rather than national. There are often two distinct stacks for applications for such schools, Regional and other. Geographic diversity is important to them.

That HKim is from the Chicago area is going to make it tougher to get into his top 3 choices. For the same reasons he wants to stay near to home, others feel the same way. It’s an d pattern. Bowdoin, Middlebury, Davidson, some remote locations , LACs, give better odds.

I saw some Asian QB matches to UCh and NU. The stats tend to be higher than HKim’s. Research seems to be typical these days, and clearly the NU prof working with him either didn’t have the clout to make a difference admissions, or didn’t choose to use it. What’s interesting is that so many of these applicants have the very same resume, research, publishing, internship that to me sound very impressive, but when on so many applications becomes business as usual. Mykids escaped this trend—internships were in the picture, but not on the scale they are now.

These schools are reaches. And OP has his safeties, great ones, so it’s wonderful to buy the lottery ticket chances for them. But even with Hooks, doesn’t mean you are a shoo-in.

That he has QB on his app, will help. But not necessarily enough. I have my fingers crossed that he gets a hit.

When you hit these odd nadirs in confidence, do two things: get off some complaint/discord thread, and remind yourself the following: A whole lotta solid adults on CC believe in me, so I’ll trust them, not some transient emotions.

You’re scratching an itch that doesn’t need the irritation. Fall back on your resilience.
Pep talk over.

I told my kids, what will be will be.

Many students that do not match on QB match day get admitted to terrific schools with generous merit offers. I am pulling for you. Hang in there.

It seems that the OP is blaming Questbridge for what he percieves as less than worthy applicants being matched. OP, please remember QB is not matching or accepting the students, the schools are. Your blaming QB is completely wrong. Are you saying that the AOs at those schools dont know what they are doing?

It seems as if many QB schools use their QB matches heavily on URM students. Many of these students come from low performing inner city high schools or impoverished areas. Their “lower stats” may be truly remarkable in the context of their environment. URM means African American and/or Hispanic at a school like Rice. Asian is not a URM but is an over represented group at many of these highly selective schools. Read up on the Harvard lawsuit if you want an insight into the underbelly of college admissions.

@Houston1021 Yep that is what I was thinking was the case (for their areas, they did great).

@CottonTales Nobody is blaming anyone - the schools I ranked was a long shot anyway and I did so fully knowing it’ll be fine not getting matched as I’ll have many affordable options down the road.

I initially thought that day as I described it was not blaming Questbridge for not matching or matching students, but what they advertise; looking at it now, I guess for some their advertisement was true and sound while for others it wasn’t necessary.

I never said that AOs at these schools don’t know what they’re doing. I think it’s completely reasonable for a student to feel confused and frustrated because they have no idea what goes on and it seems to derail slightly from the idea they were conditioned to throughout their education (meritocratic). For sure, if you think of an MIT admit, it’s not a 3.8 GPA, 1200 SAT, sub-500 SATII score student (but through Questbridge it can be) and who knows, even without Questbridge they would’ve been admitted to MIT! It’s this uncertainty that’s a very hard pill to swallow.

As I said, I’m extremely excited and happy for those who matched, 0 EFC or not, URM or not, high statistics or not - nobody is saying they shouldn’t be matched. The frustration is from the lack of transparency (which can be a good thing, just frustrating).

For now, I’m just doing what every else is doing: finishing up my regular decision essays.

Indeed! **THAT **is of the utmost importance. Let your mature and forward-looking personality shine throughout your essays, and don’t let any of these non-match after-effects, whether originated from you or others, dampen your positive outlook in life. I await your good news in a few months.

It is meritocratic. But not the hs scheme, not trying to transfer to a better hs. It’s the college leap. Not your hs peers competing, but a final pool of many great kids.

Have fun with those essays. Let shine the “you” that we respect and like. It sometimes helps to imagine it as writing to one of us. Some then relax.

Try to show the traits. End with growth- show, not just tell.

HKim, if you’re still working on your supplemental essays, there’s some very useful advice in this post, which will help you show what @lookingforward is emphasizing.

I still think you should strongly consider applying ED2 to an LAC that might meet your full EFC. Asians are URM at a lot of LACs, and being male is a small boost too. If you want small classes from the start and the ability to form close relationships with professors as a freshman, and an LAC is the best place for that to happen.

I know you’re considering Bowdoin, Pomona, Williams, and Carleton. Those are super hard to get in to though. Consider Kenyon, Grinnell, Middlebury, Colby, or Bates. UIUC is of course a great school, but it’s still a big university where you’ll be duking it out with others to get into a class you want or need. Run the NPC, see if they might be affordable. Consider that there’s a lot to be said for being a big or medium sized fish in a small pond, rather than being a small fish in a huge pond.

^^ thanks Lindagraf; I missed that the first time you posted and just sent a link to my kid to read through.

Hkim - rooting for you! you are navigating this all on a way different level than my own child and I"m impressed.

Well, it seems like I have been sayonara’d by Northwestern 3 times in the span of 12 months!

Guinness Record worthy indeed.

On the bright side, I GOT ADMITTED TO UIUC FOR A RULL RIDE THROUGH THE ILLINOIS PROMISE for Chemical Engineering (will probably change to biochemistry so I can take the MCB 150/250 and Biology Lab course).

Congratulations hkim! Although I am sorry about NU…BUT UIUC for chem engineering or biochem is outstanding!!! And with full COA being covered you know you are going to college in Fall of 2020!

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the apps go for you. Have you decided on an ED2 school?

Yeah, Northwestern…I just have no questions, just meh. It was a long shot anyway, but my school was a “feeder”, I published two scientific research pieces in their name, and was pretty active with them through music as well. Just disappointed (not saying I deserved anything) but was hoping that would play into demonstrated interest.

For ED2, I’m not sure.
WashU, Case Western, Carleton, BOWDOIN (Yess), Swarthmore, Pomona, and idk, I’m just happy I will have a very affordable and great school to go to this Fall.

Some of these are very different schools…take some time over the next couple of days to really think about the qualities you want in a school. Now that the pressure is off due to the full ride at UIUC you will probably have better perspective when analyzing your choices. Pay attention to the ED2 deadlines…do any of these schools have Dec 15 deadline?

I hope that you are proud of yourself for persevering through the admissions process! You are almost to the finish line and again free UIUC is an outstanding option!

A Full ride at UIUC is an outstanding option! So now you KNOW you’re going to college :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Did you get into the Honors College too? Or is that separate?
Will they accept AP credit? If so, you may be able to stay in ChemE and still take MCB150 (as an elective).

And now, you need a college with a system that’s more supportive of premed aspirations and research than UIUC (ie., more personable, more resources, smaller classes, etc.) UIUC is already outstanding in many ways so you want a college that’s going to offer something different.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! UIUC is a great school, and a full ride there is terrific. I’m glad doors are starting to open wide for you. My daughter dated a guy from UIUC, and he is getting a great education. He is majoring in supply chain management. He had a wide choice of summer internships and is starting an excellent full time job with Shell Oil in Houston right after he graduates in the spring. Be thankful Illinois has such a generous scholarship program. You have worked hard, and I bet more offers are coming your way.

One more congratulations bon the full ride to UIUC. What a fantastic option to have in your back pocket.

CONGRATS on having the full ride at UIUC nailed down!!!

(And a big raspberry for Northwestern. Their loss.)

Now you can apply the “Would I really go here over UIUC?” filter full-force and not worry about safeties.

It’s an interesting decision now, whether there’s anyplace with EDII that you’d definitely choose over UIUC, or if you just want to let the dust settle and see what comes through in the RD cycle. Is there any difference, financially, between the UIUC full-ride deal and the aid predicted by the NPC at the full-need-met privates? Or is it a wash money-wise and just a matter of fit?

Well, mixed news, but after everything you’ve been through, having UIUC officially in the bag with full-ride aid is really something to celebrate. From here on in we can root for more good news and interesting/tough decisions to make, but you have a good path forward no matter what!