Reject Train Going Full Speed

UIC - both Chicago and Champaign are fantastic schools. No doubt about that! The issue for them is money. If you pick them, you have to be sure that you can afford it. Illinois has pulled back funding from disadvantaged students before - causing many to have to withdraw. This is a fact - horrible, sad, but unfortunately true.

The choices are what I’ve seen a number of top students face. The toughest choices are the ones with a combined MD program from a directional state university or an unknown school vs a top Ranked, super selective school. My dear friend’s son chose the UMich combined program over Harvard , another young man I know picked Harvard over an Ohio guaranteed bd/md. Neither regretted their choices. However, I do know a young woman who chose such a program over a highly selective school, and she changed her mind about premed, health field etc etc. As a transfer, she did not ge the choices she had right out of college.

I’ve known a number of kids who changed their minds about fields of study, careers even when that had been the heart desire ever since they could remember. DH’s roommate faced a huge swell of disappointment and anger from his family that was so proud, and sacrificed to send him to a big name school with med school in the horizon, and he had to tell them that medicine was not the way he wanted to go. My brother is still hurting over selling his law firm that he worked to build and turn over to one of his daughters. They didn’t want to do it. And every one of these young people, and more would have pledged their right arm and first born that they were going to stay the course,…until they realized it was not what they wanted to do. The adult you are today is still barely baked, half baked at best and things do change.

Bowdoin, Macalester, a residential LAC would be a total immerse me to into a whole other world rather than a continuation of pretty much the same and familiar with a close guide(brother) right at hand. You will meet people and get t know them in this formative stage of their lives that you are not as likely to meet at UIC. The private college experience may not necessarily be good, it does present more risks in terms of med school acceptances but it offers you rare participation in a very exclusive venue. I say this as someone who had a tough time in such an environment, who did not enjoy it but in retrospect has benefitted greatly from the experience. And one of my kids took a beating in such a choice as it was a bad match but again, what was gained he is highly unlikely to have experienced otherwise.

I prefer Macalester over Bowdoin for logistic reasons. One thing this COVID19 Crisis has shown me is that being far from home does have its disadvantages. I wish my kids were closer distance wise.

Still, both choices are prime. There will be drawbacks and painful times regardless which choice you make as well as joy. Congratulations on what ever choice yo make. You’ve done well.

I think you should choose whichever feels right to you. That said, whatever UIC administrators tell you about the funding you can take with a grain of salt. What they really mean is that IF they get funding from the state, you will get your funding. The university’s funding is tied to the state’s funding. It’s not their money to promise.

I saw an article that a few years ago, 125000 students in Illinois did not get their MAP grants. Does anyone know how that number stacks up against the total who receive them? (The article was a little confusing to me and seemed to assume that readers would know why the grants were suspended, which I didn’t, and it also wasn’t clear if that number represented all or only some of the recipients.)

This happened less then 4 years ago. Promised Map’s and never came at UIUC. Many instate kids went OOS. Uncertainty then really pushed this decision. The issue is sure he might have Maps for this year but “nothing” is guaranteed beyond that. Governor Pritzker is extremely education friendly. I know this through others that have close contact to him. But if Illinois or any state doesn’t get massive federal help cuts “will” have to be made. No question. UIUC has only one self supportive department. That is engineering. It supports itself. After that even 3-4 years ago they were cutting staff and professors in many departments. This is UIC not UIUC and they are not in the same financial shape overall. They are building and adding features to the university that should help put it on the map but they or anyone expected the virus to virtually (pun intended) wipe out any sense of financial stability that they might of had. That to me is the biggest problem. I would want to go to a school that I know now and in the future that I would get “all” my funding and not even have to think about it. That to me is the biggest question. After everything OP has been through I would hate to see another thread that he couldn’t continue his studies for this or that reason. I look forward to a post with updates about his amazing journey in life.

So @HKimPOSSIBLE – Is it official yet? :slight_smile: Please share your final decision! We’ve got your back!

Ah yes. I actually made my final decision today.

A few days ago, I committed to Bowdoin College and it was just a few clicks and I was done. It felt good to be honest, telling the friends I’ve met online through Questbridge that I was going to Bowdoin with them.

But something just felt wrong in my gut that I was not making the best choice. I kept trying to convince myself that it was just something everyone goes through (like buyer’s remorse or something like that), but after a few days, I was having a very difficult time letting UIC GPPA go and convincing myself I can see myself in medical school after 4 or so years. It was difficult to imagine where I’d be because Bowdoin could be a big success and who knows, I might go to a T10 medical school - or I might barely hit the marks for a top-notch MD school. I couldn’t really see where I’d be.

I knew for sure that at Bowdoin I’d have a great time, meet people from all over the country, the world, and all walks of life. Have a sense of Bowdoin pride and community, the great food and comfort of Bowdoin’s residential student life, and etc. But after that, I had no idea. I called Bowdoin’s Pre-Health department, asked them the same questions I asked for W&L, and it didn’t help much to ease the discontent I felt.

I recall the advice from the amazing people here that said to “take a chance on yourself”, and for sure it’s great advice. Bowdoin is enticing, it offers 4 solid years and I could see myself living the very traditional and coveted “American College Experience”; that felt good for sure, and I know for sure I’d be in good hands. And at the end of the day, the money was good and I knew Bowdoin was generous. But so was UIC, minus the commuting. $4500 required work-study at Bowdoin versus a possible MAP grant of $5340 or so I would need to make up if that fund is not provided.

However, as I said earlier, I had a hard time convincing myself of where I’d be after graduating and it was a strong gut feeling that I was making a mistake. Sure, I’d have to commute, yes, it’s not your traditional college experience, yes I probably won’t be in as many clubs or student activities on campus, but I could clearly see where I would be after a few years. That being said, I committed to UIC’s GPPA Medicine program and I hope not to disappoint all the parents that have been watching this rather long succession!

For now, I feel confident now with this decision and my gut feeling does so too.


You are the one making the decision. You had lots of great choices, and you made the choice that made the best sense to you.

I’m hoping you can make the numbers work and live on campus at UIC.

I know you will do great because you really want this and you are going to work hard.

My D knew she wanted to become a pharmacist. She went to an instate public 2+4 program with conditional acceptance to pharmacy school. Her full tuition scholarship enabled her to not have a lot of debt for undergraduate study.

Best wishes to you!

Congratulations @HKimPOSSIBLE ! No one can fault you for following your gut. Please keep us all informed - we ALL feel a vested interest in your success and happiness.

Congratulations on your choice @HKimPOSSIBLE!

Congratulations! Thank you for allowing us to come on this journey with you. I’m so proud of you!!!

@HKimPOSSIBLE Congratulations!! What a journey and what a wonderful destination!! I wish you good luck and best wishes. You will do great things.

Congratulations! It must feel so good to finally be at the end of this journey and at the beginning of another.
Here’s hoping that a flat share with your brother near campus works out. Either way, you’ll be okay. Thank you for the ride.

Big congratulations to you!!! And, yes, thank you for allowing us to be on your journey. You’ve got this – fantastic days ahead for you!


Congratulations @HKimPOSSIBLE you know in your heart you made best choice for you ! Glad that you stayed in windy city ! Who knows you may meet my son at NU research center in future. :blush:

Congratulations @HKimPOSSIBLE !
I look forward to the day you’re a doctor - and in the meantime, enjoy your well-deserved college acceptance, then the college experience.
Thanks for letting us on your journey and for sharing your triumph with us. :slight_smile:

Please do give us news from time to time - I’m now going to worry about food insecurity and the Illinois budget for the next four years, which objectively isless bad than ICE or what you went through last year but well… :smiley:

Nice to have made the decision, right? Congratulations to you! I hope you have a great experience and thank you for being so open and honest with us. This is definitely one of CC’s legendary threads!

Congratulations! What a long journey it was, glad you shared it with us!

Congratulations! Wishing you the best of luck and a bright, bright future!