Reject Train Going Full Speed

congrats! tough choices; Any of these schools would be lucky to have you.

I haven’t said anything, but I’ve watched my neighbor go through a LAC - premed/biology - took off this year to shadow/work/study and prep for MCATs and admissions – and did not get in anywhere. He’s so bummed; so is his family. There’s probably a ton of people who’d like to be in your place right now. I’m sure you’ll do fantastically well. Good Luck!

@HKimPOSSIBLE Congratulations! You are an impressive young man - tenacious, gracious, smart, caring…I could go on and on. But I will just say that I know all of us are happy for you and confident that you will reach your goals!! Time to celebrate and do a happy dance ?

Thank you very much for the supportive replies! I will be sure to provide updates along the way!

Woohoo!!! Congratulations!

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.

I haven’t posted, but have been following your journey from the beginning. I’ve been just as anxious to learn of your decision as I have been for my D20 and her friends! Best of luck to you - you are destined for great things! Go celebrate!

A big congratulations!! Yes, we said trust yourself and you did. This decision is the best one for you. I tell my kids to “bet” on themselves and again you did. Very happy for you and look forward to seeing your progression but… Hmmm… What will the title of that thread be? ?

Well enjoy the rest of the summer. Relax a bit. You deserve it.

Congrats @HKimPOSSIBLE
What a ride you’ve been on for the last 18 months or so. I’m glad you’ve found your home. You will be amazing!

Thank god I can now update my Facebook/Instagram haha

I think you made the 100% correct decision for yourself. It’s hard to really see inside someone else’s mind and heart. You absorbed all the information, advice, and opinions offered in this thread. In the end, your mind and your heart made the decision that made the most sense to you.

Who am I to say someone as smart, dedicated, and resourceful as you has made a mistake? And honestly? I don’t think you made a mistake.


– John Galt

Congratulations @HKimPOSSIBLE for persevering and making a decision! Your road has been long — thank you for providing a window into your experience. I’ve enjoyed being on the journey with you. Be well and do good!

Congratulations ???!

I’m glad you came to a decision that sits well with you. Congratulations.


This is both an end and a beginning for you. The end of your very bumpy admissions saga, and the beginning of your higher education journey.

If there is a student who is ready for anything that undergrad and medical school can throw at them, it’s you. I think that you will do very well in life, and you will make an excellent doctor, if that’s what you choose.

You changed from the Reject Train to the Acceptance Train, and now it’s time to board the College Train, which, for you, has express service the Medical School Train. I think that your ticket has been upgraded, as well.

Good luck, and Bon Voyage, @HKimPOSSIBLE

? ?

Congrats! I’ve been a bit or a lurker, and was rooting for W and L as the dark horse, but I have no doubt you’ve made the right choice. I fully expect to see DrHKimPOSSIBLE back here one day sharing your hard-earned wisdom and telling us all about the next leg of your journey. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

This has been one of the greatest train rides right here at CC.

Very happy and excited for you.

Good luck and continued success in all your endeavors. Your spirit engenders to you many who will act as mentor and friend.

You are wonderful.

I’m so happy for you! Best of luck to you!

Congratulations! I know you won’t be thinking of the ‘business of medicine’ for quite a while, but you will be among the crop of new young doctors who will be forming a new system which will serve us all for decades to come. You will watch the ‘old guard’ FINALLY retire and get the heck out of the way and the new guard hopefully practice patient-centered medicine. It will be an, um, interesting time to start your medical career but we are lucky to have someone like you join the ranks. Congrats again!

Hello everyone! I wanted to hop on here to update something I spoke of when acceptances were first being released.

I committed to Carnegie Mellon for Engineering after being rejected by the majority of my schools.

It was really hard for me to read rejection after rejection but I am really excited and thankful to be attending such a great school.

I wanted to thank everyone who helped me when I was feeling so disappointed. Everyone here has been so encouraging and helpful!