Reject Train Going Full Speed

Yeah earlier I said how it was nicely phrased but that I tske it with a grain of salt. Also I thought your son was accepted? Why did he get the waitlist email?

He accepted to CWRU and waitlisted to Carleton

Ivies’ financial resources can accomodate more EFC0 students.

@rphcfb cornell was the only ivy i didnt apply to lol. but decisions should come out march 28th at 7pm

@Alezzu Ah right sorry! I confused myself in the moment.

“My counselor never even suggested Northwestern for me and said that a good reach for me was Tufts and Case Western; he never mentioned a T20 or any of the schools that I have left”

I am highlighting this solely for the benefit of future students reading the thread, not to reproach you, @HKimPOSSIBLE. We’ll do our best to help you move forward, and hopefully one of your remaining schools comes through.

However, for others, I think there’s an important lesson here. The OP goes to an outstanding college prep HS with well qualified counselors who know students’ GPAs and scores. It sounds like the counselor nailed it. When your counselor tells you that Case is a reach, take it seriously. It doesn’t mean they are always right. It doesn’t mean you can’t apply where you want or that you have zero chance at any Ivy. It does mean you should seriously consider whether you have enough admissions and financial safeties on your list. It does mean that, as a high-need international student, you should be including schools where you’re likely or guaranteed to get full merit aid.

I totally feel it rn bro, it was difficult to wake up today knowing that I got waitlisted at UCSD and rejected at UCLA (probably because my essays sucked). I didn’t have plans to attend the UCs, as I personally dislike them, but its really discouraging to see it happen. Now, I gotta wait for the Ivies and UCB to get back to me, hopefully my much stronger essays, recommendations, and the national award I won after my UC apps do me a miracle ≧◡≦.

@HKimPOSSIBLE I put a call into the my good friend who is the commanding general for a major state’s Army national guard. He is having his people look into options in Illinois and elsewhere of the join the guard and gonto college program we discussed. He will get back to me in the next few days. . FYI.

@Hanna I agree with all your points and I believe it’s really important to bring up.

The only issue with me was how my DACA status crossed off my in-state safeties and because I need as much money as possible (EFC of 0), I really didnt have many options for “safety + 100% meet need”; and I think this is where some people misunderstand my college list for me being prestige or bust - it really isn’t. Of course there are other factors (like whether it’s still a viable plan for premed and research and etc, but my list naturally seemed to gravitate towards T20’s and other highly selective institutions because of their financial aid.

For r international students, there are other options like national schools besides US schools and hopefuly many internationals dont have an EFC of 0 (correct me if I’m wrong).

For example, had I been a traditional international from Korea, admittance to Korean universities would enable me ALL the financial aid we would need, and I would probably apply and attend there is all my abroad (US) school reject me.

WOW! Thank you very much! My parent’s plan (before I was even DACA and only my brother) was to get me through MAVNI as well → help pay for college → citizenship —> future benefits ----> med school benefits. I’m delighted and excited to hear what your friend finds.

@privatebanker you are a really good person.

@SouthernHope Thank you that’s very nice to say

Hkim is my buddy.

From your lips to wife and daughters ears though!


OP, did you not apply to a single public school?

One thing that stands out to me in your profile is the lack of safeties. People have mentioned this and hindsight is 20/20, but if you end up going another round after a gap, consider that adding a backup plan may demonstrate humility.

Many extremely talented people go to public school and many publics on the West Coast are more competitive in certain programs than three private schools you have applied to.

I wish you the best of luck. You did the best you could with the information you had. I will cross my fingers for you, but remember that there is no shame in trying again or going to public school and working. That is also an admirable path.

@MmeZeeZee, OP is DACA. She was very thorough in her research. In state was not an option for her.

Public doesn’t mean in state.

OOS you can still get some aid and end up with a price tag of $15k/year. Work plus loans takes care of that.

I’m not saying that is the easiest path. I’m saying that is also a path.

Yes but full rides + at OOS universities are quite rare. (Even CC is too expensive for op).

I’m not sure that with no money at all ($0 EFC but this student can’t file a FAFSA, so really lower than a $0), no NMF, there really are very few colleges this student can afford.

I think the best thing is going to be for OP to wait, get the green card, and reapply (if he can’t defer an application from this year). Or maybe Privatebanker can help, but that also involves not going to school immediately.

Still rooting for acceptance at Ivy or getting off wait list.

@MmeZeeZee HKim applied to and was accepted to UIUC IS for major. It’s not affordable currently.

@MmeZeeZee I applied to two public schools - both of which were in-state and would grant me IS tuition with an affidavit (which I submitted). The problem is the cost. CC here is even expensive for me. I hope to not offend anyone or any institution, but Case Western, Bates, and Carleton were supposed to be my lower end reaches - ones that I could afford. UIC and UIUC I knew I was going to get in; but of course, can’t afford. For UIUC I was hoping to benefit from the new Illinois promise where students who make less than $60,000k per year are granted free tuition - except I realized that I had to be a US Citizen or Permanent Green Card Holder.

A $15,000 price tag is still very inconvenient for us - and taking out loans in my parents (again, which I use to refer to my single father), isn’t in our best interest and something we can safely pull off. Fortunately, my high school may provide a scholarship of a couple of thousand dollars for the first year if I attend anywhere which will definitely help with food/immediate transportation (and of course, the tuition).