Reject Train Going Full Speed

Sorry about NW…you only need one “yes”. My fingers are crossed for you.

@MYOS1634 Hello! How would I ask him that? Can GC see my teacher’s LOR? I seriously do doubt nothing was wrong with the LOR. For AP Chem, I was the one or two she wrote/for AP LANG and LIT (same teacher) she was VERY into writing LOR and is obsessed with not making a mistake and etc…thought wow I am thoroughly disappointed but more surprised with how Northwestern came out.

Spring break JUST started and my CG and I woll not be able to meet; I suppose email will be the only medium of conversation atm.

Also, the phone call (reminds me of the “who wants to be a millionaire”), how does that work? ANY college left on my list, I would go in a HEARTBEAT (all the schools I applied to have perfect programs and most importantly, FINANCIAL AID for me).

Also, I’m not sure exactly how I would ask my GC for a phone call.

My counselor never even suggested Northwestern for me and said that a good reach for me was Tufts and Case Western; he never mentioned a T20 or any of the schools that I have left during the initial meets in fall, winter, and post-UChicago ED1 rejection. I’m not sure I would say I got the feeling that I was being “encouraged” to at least just take a chance on the Ivy Leagues (that would give me 100% aid for sure) - but that may have just been me (he has been very helpful with everything, however).

Here is what I have left:
Rice University
Stanford University
Yale University
Princeton University
Dartmouth College
Cornell University
Columbia University
Duke University
Carleton College

Things are looking pretty grim and I’m now sure how much pull a GC call can bring.


most importantly, FINANCIAL AID for me).


That’s what I was driving at. If they don’t list it explicitly right up front, it may or may not exist. If it does exist, it may disappear after the first year. Comparatively few schools are totally up front about money.

@MagnificentMoose Agreed. All the remaining colleges (especially Carleton, Rice, and Yale) has been very helpful with giving information and is one that was pretty straightforward and blunt about them offering the need-blind policy to everyone and a 100% Demonstrated Need to all admitted students regardless of status.

UPenn, however, is the one that is an outlier.

As a Rice parent (and a Carleton sister-in-law) I am sending you All The Vibes for your remaining decisions!!!
Both Carleton and Rice care a lot about demonstrated interest, and it sounds like you’ve put yourself on their radar, so that’s a point in your favor. Fingers crossed!

@aquapt Thank you haha. I kind of felt a huge Carleton jolt when I read a news post about Star wars drapes covering the observatory at Carleton…which was what I wrote about in my supplement. HA!

It’s probably NOT a LOR but you can’t discount a little mistake slipping in (a “not” that’s skipped, that kind of thing). The most likely issue is your status and financial need. But… Improbable isn’t impossible. Don’t leave any stone unturned.
I would assume that at a school like NT the GC has access to the LORs.
You may say
"Is there a way for you to communicate to X University and Z College that they are an excellent fit for [me], and are my top choice in the RD pool? This would support a letter of continued interest that I sent recently.
At this point, I am not going to be able to attend college unless one of my “reach for everyone” universities accepts me, and since these two are truly my favorites, I figure that it couldn’t hurt.
Also, I am preparing myself for not getting acceptances: do you have suggestions for next year? "

@MYOS1634 Ahh! Thank you thank you! However, as far as I know, GC’s do NOT have access to what teachers say and even if they did, I doubt they would tell students.

Would the letter of continued interest that you refer to be the ones I sent to Case Western and MIT or the status change (plus additional continued interest letter) that we discussed through PM’s?

Honestly, this is a far stretch, but my TOP two colleges of the remaining would be UPenn (Unique humanities integrated Pre-med program + ABCS courses) and Yale (their message about “waves” of influence and how it strikes a chord with my own goal of service).

Also, just wondering if this is viable in the first place (phone call) considering my decision is already made and will release in less than 7 days?

On second thought, do you think it’s because I’m from and attend the school I do, and AO’s are suspicious that I may be lying? (or is that just in my head?)

Just sent the email to my GC.

Edit: Well so much for phoning…

Automatic Reply:
"Thank you for your message. I will be out of the office Monday, March 25th through Friday, March 29th for spring break. I will return to read and answer your email on Monday, April 1st. "

In my experience, very often, at top schools, they do. It’s easier for them to coordinate, especially for all the highly selective schools where the slightest mistake can be a problem. If they don’t, they can ask colleagues to review them for any inadvertent red flag.
But obviously they would never communicate the content to the applicant.

The “letter of continued interest” is there to justify why you ask (v. “because I am worried there might have been a mistake”), and is based on the fact you DID send LOCI. The exact LOCI doesn’t matter.

I don’t know whether it’d change anything. But every application is being checked with a fine tooth comb right now, in part due to the Hollywood cheating scancal, and a little nudge can’t hurt. That being said, it’s unlikely to change anything, but… at this point, what’s the harm? At worst, they either already denied you or accepted you and it doesn’t change a thing. At best, it gives them an incentive to review your application. Perhaps it’ll make the “additional information” fresh to them and highlight your financial circumstances, which are very different from the typical circumstances at NT.

No, AO don’t think you’re lying. They know that even in affluent communities, there are lower income students (in fact, in really affluent communities, families have live-in staff and the staff’s family live there and their kids attend school in the district.)
It’s normal that you want to question every little thing, but don’t torture yourself: your application was good. It’s the whole package. My hunch is that you will be admitted somewhere but if you’re not, it’s not because of what you did or didn’t do.

Super hopeful for you with Carleton… good luck!!

@Nocreativity1 @aquapt
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I got waitlisted at Carleton College.

Dang, I was really hoping for that one… so sorry it wasn’t an acceptance. (Though glad it’s not a rejection and you can do the LOCI thing.) I’ll keep sending Rice Vibes…

@aquapt Thanks

Now all I have is Rice this coming Tuesday, “Ivy Day”, and Stanford. I just want to bury my head into the ground. This. Sucks.

Hopefully, Case or Carleton will offer me admissions from the wait list…

From my experience, “waitlist” rather than rejection for an international student means that they would like to admit you but don’t have the money. I don’t know how DACA status impacts this but don’t place your hopes there.
Yes, you’re right, it sucks. :frowning:

@MYOS1634 That’s what I thought. Carleton even said in their letter, “While we believe you should not be on a “wait list,” here or anywhere else, it is the best we can offer you at this time.” (Although we should take this with a grain of salt since probably thousands of others got waitlisted too). How different would the “ivies” be? I’m sure they have a bigger funding box than Carleton or Case, but wouldn’t they want to spend it on more students and not on some “international” student that needs 100% just like Carleton or Case?

@HKimPOSSIBLE “While we believe you should not be on a “wait list,” here or anywhere else, it is the best we can offer you at this time.”
No need to get useless hopes due to that phrase. Exactly same words I read one hour ago in response to my son. They just showing that they are polite and very well writing people. That was third responce to him about waitlist, and without any doubts Carleton’s is the best one. My respect, they found very beautiful and supportive phrases.


Big thanks for that observation. Very important information for future decisions.