Rejected by 12/13 colleges, 1550, 4.0, & 20 college classes [including college junior level math]

Agree that your school list, unfortunately, was full of all reaches and only one match. That was the only thing you did wrong in the process. Your profile and high school resume are great and you should be proud of yourself. Would you be happy with your options if you had applied to more matches and likelies and been admitted to those? Or was your heart truly set on only the top tier schools? If it’s the former, you can apply to schools still taking applications, take a gap year and reapply, or enroll in your awesome acceptance school and apply as a transfer student. If it’s the later, you need to readjust your expectations with those top tier schools. There are just way too many high achieving kids applying. My kiddo had similar stats - maybe even better than yours - and did not get the “top” schools either but knew it was a long shot. His stats are here to make you feel you are not alone: