Can more graduated seniors do "actual results" threads?

Class of 2023 DS

1560 SAT, NMF
9 AP’s (All 5’s) 3.85/4.0 UW
Poly sci/history major
3 college level Internships related to major & volunteer work related to major
Over 150 hours volunteer work
Several EC’s
Distinctive leadership role + a few other leadership roles
Rural applicant
No hooks or legacies

Accepted EA
Michigan State (in-state)
Michigan (in-state)
Denver (Honors College, generous merit)
Vermont (Honors College, generous merit)

Accepted RD
George Washington (good merit, did not apply HC)

Accepted RD for Guaranteed Sophomore Admission
Boston University

Georgetown (deferred EA)
Northeastern (deferred EA)

Leaning hard towards GW but like the price of Michigan much more.