Rejection -A Blessing in Disguise

How many of us on CC can share a rejection story that turned out to be a blessing in disguise?

Sometimes kids (and parents!) need to hear about these to be reminded that everything will be okay :slight_smile:

A dear friend of D19 was rejected from UIUC EA (likely because she messed up on the application), and was ready to go to the college her mom was pressing her to attend, which is 30 minutes from their home, and one of the worst places for her. Instead she applied RD to Knox College, and was accepted with enough aid that it was cheaper than UIUC in state. She is absolutely ecstatic there, and cannot think of a better place to be. Knox is really a far better place for her than UIUC, and she is far happier than she would have been at UIUC.

This is one of my favorites. Joan Didion who was rejected by Stanford. Whether it was a blessing in disguise or not, it hardly set her back. And her reflection on what rejection represents is spot on.

@MWolf And I love that a sometimes glossed over school like Knox turned out to be the perfect place!

@gardenstategal The dad shrugs and offers her a drink. Ha!