
Please clarify! Daughter got rejected for UC Berkley, UCI, waitlisted to UCLA (UCI being her satefy).

GPA 4.38
SATs 1350
Activities: Peer Mediation, Link Crew club, Marching Band (4years) Varsity Cheer (4years)
Community Service- 100 + hours
AP- 4 completed witj 3/4’s and 3 more pending.

Only thing is that she was taking her language fullfillment last fall at a CC to fulfill college requirements. Received an A. But that grade did not reflect on her application as she was still awaiting transcript. Could the fact that she had not fullfilled that grade at the time of applications be a reason she was rejected to all her applications? Although letters did not indicate her lack of requirements, yet was flat put rejected? Dont’ know what to advise her to do next?!

What was her GPA recalculated by the UC method (weighted and capped)? What intended major? Was the in-progress course at the community college reported as such on her UC application?

Obviously, UCI was not a safety.

She can do what other shut-out students in California do, which is to start at a community college and try again as a transfer student in two years.

Use to help course planning for transfer. can help with how competitive each major at each UC is for transfer admission.

I believe its her UC weighted one. Major was Biology but Spanish course was listed on her applications with no grade at the time, also noticed that on the verified information on her UC application indicates she has not fullfilled the A-G "your coursework indicates you have not met the launguage other than english requirement because there was no grade had just completed it during application process. How can i address that? And why did tje rejection letter not specify that?

They don’t have to specify reasons why they reject a student. The school guidance counselor should really have checked to see that all was in order before she submitted.

Almost all the UCs are getting more and more competitive. You had good feedback above. UC Irvine has a 40% acceptance rate and her SAT score was probably not in the 75th percentile. But I think you have found the answer to your question. The FL requirement seems to have been the main issue.

She can try sorting out the mess with the FL grade and appeal to UCI. Or she can wait for the NACAC list on May 1 to come out and see if any CSUs still have room. The NACAC list will have many colleges all over the country, some of which are excellent, which did not meet their yield for any number of reasons. Frankly, I don’t think she was competitive for UCLA or UCB. Did she only apply to three schools? That’s a very small number,unless she was auto-admit for a college. But I don’t think UCs have auto-admit. Alos, she can take a gap year and try again, or apply for Spring admission.

Did she apply to any other schools or have any acceptances? Agree that UCI is not a safety even with solid stats. Good suggestions in the above post or have her take a Gap year to research a wider range of schools to apply in the next round.

It is water under the bridge but, if you didn’t apply elsewhere, applying to just those 3 schools was a big mistake - but, she’s certainly not the only teen who has done so.

With those stats, she’s got to be ELC so, a Merced referral is probably on its way so, that’s one path forward worth investigating.

Given her GPA, she must have a ton of AP credits, maybe a brief stint at a CC would allow her to accumulate the 60 units needed to transfer - so, in the next application cycle she’d be a Jr transfer. Meet with someone from your local CC and your nearest UC to see how viable this option might be.

Have her GC call UCI to see if the FL requirement was the issue. If it was, you can ask for a reconsideration. If not, do have any other choices?

She may need to start at a C.C. not a bad way to get to UCLA…