
<p>I’m looking through the posts (which I now have time to do!) and see the concern for details, decorating and decorum. (I didn’t have to work too long for that one!)</p>

<p>I just wanted to say that this forum is great for a ‘head’s up’ and answering questions…but as some parents did everything from fung shwai (sorry, don’t know how to spell that, but you know what I mean!) to designer pillows, I just wanted to say ‘relax.’</p>

<p>Tuscaloosa has stores, our kids can sleep on sheets with thread counts of less than 800, and we really don’t want them spending toooo much time in their rooms!</p>

<p>Sea-tide is probably the best resource for knowing what is actually needed, since he has flown back and forth a lot and changed dorms, etc…</p>

<p>I know, we sent a big box of ‘stuff’ (some clothes, a few study tools, etc…), bought the linens that everyone is critical of and had them delivered to Paty, same with a printer, carried the laptop, and flew into Birmingham. We made a Target run and a Publix run. Then, dear son was ready for me to exit and to go forward on his own, and I became background/backup.</p>

<p>They never put a big screen in their front room, although a couple of kids did play x-box type games. They did get together and my kid amazed me by making pancakes for all comers in the dorm kitchen and then a couple of dinners for friends. They played some cards, joined activities, made friends, and dealt with supplies, etc… generally managing without parents.</p>

<p>Included in the Target run were some office supplies, a couple of cooking/eating utensils, cups, cleaning items, etc… Included in the Publix run were oreos and milk.</p>

<p>Later I sent his bike because of the tri training.</p>

<p>At the end of the year, some CC parents REALLY helped by arranging a storage locker. Of course, all ‘plans’ went to - you know where - with the tornado and everyone had to ad lib.</p>

<p>But, having kids be able to do that is what its all about.</p>

<p>Son has the option of a car but since he’s coming from Californiaand has so far to go, opted not to drive out or bother with one there. He has registered for the Zip cars for this coming year, should he need to go somewhere and need transportation.</p>

<p>Another thing that I don’t see folks mentioning, and maybe its so common it isn’t worth mentioning, but was new to me this year: set up Skype accounts!</p>

<p>It is really great to see your student when you talk (and you can even see a bit of the room.)</p>

<p>So, get the info you need and let your kids fly. The world promises new challenges for our kids that we can’t even begin to imagine. They can obtain whatever is needed and will amaze you at what they can do and do without. Their world isn’t the same one we prepared for when we were in college.</p>

<p>The hardest part is letting them learn those things:)</p>

<p>Peace and roll tide.</p>

<p>p.s. the year did bring questions: example: “they’ denied my son registering for 19 credits saying his scholarship didn’t allow it and that had to be corrected,…ummm, I think that’s it…”</p>

<p>p.p.s. And all of the roommates became good friends.</p>

<p>Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed this post. My daughter will be a HS senior next year and she wants to go to Bama very much. Your advice is excellent. I am on this forum a lot and sometimes it gets a bit crazy with all the opinions. “Just relax” and let them fly I will remember always. Thanks!</p>

<p>Ity is soooo hard to let go but they can amaze us! :)</p>

<p>This forum is great when we’re stuck in a pinch and also for moral support.</p>

<p>Without this forum we might not have made our initial trip to UA.</p>

<p>The rest is history :)</p>

<p>Enjoy this journey!</p>


<p>True story: I work in the apparel industry, which (of course) is closely associated with the textile industry. Recently I was doing research on thread count. I learned that the thread-count craze is relatively recent. I also learned that anything over 400 thread count is a waste of money. The quality difference above 400 is so minimal that the extra cost isn’t worth it. I forget the source of this info…it was a textile industry website, not a marketing site, so the site’s authors had no reason to mislead or lie.</p>

<p>Anyway…this was reassuring to me, because my sons wouldn’t know 1000 thread count if it bit them, and they truly don’t care. So, I think I will go with The Package Everyone Hates after all. It can’t be worse than the Wal-Mart stuff they’ve got now, and it’s guaranteed for four years. And it all comes together in a neat, convenient package, so it’s one less thing to worry about! :D</p>