
<p>Remembering all who were tragically lost 11 years ago today. The memorials in New York and the nation honor our colleagues, our neighbors, our friends, and our loved ones who were lost that day. Remembering you all, you will never be forgotten…</p>

<p>The weather in Chicago today is eerily the same as it was eleven years ago. My kids were in elementary school and my husband was being evacuated from his high rise office building in Chicago. We later learned that one of his fraternity brothers had been killed in one of the towers and that he lost several co-workers he had become friendly with in his company’s NYC office. Although it’s been over a decade the feelings that we experience when we see the pictures and footage are new and raw. </p>

<p>Prayers and love go out to the families, friends, and victims of 9/11.</p>

<p>And let us not forget the heroic first responders, who bravely risked their lives unflinchingly. Many are now suffering serious illness as a result of their exposure to toxins at ground zero.</p>

<p>Prayers for all families affected by that day of horrendous tragedy, the responders, and those who have been involved in the resulting Middle East conflicts.</p>

<p>We were in NYC the day that the Iraq War commenced. There were military everywhere as a precaution.</p>

<p>All never forgotten…</p>

<p>Overwhelming sad today reflecting on how our D was able to participate in the UA Honors at Oxford University this summer in part due to using funds from being a recipient of a memorial scholarship from her high school in honor of an alumnus killed in the north tower. He was just 28 years old and had recently started a new job as a bond trader, his father a prior superintendent of the school district that our D and his son graduated from. Even sadder is that this family lost their son-in-law that day too; he worked for the same firm in the north tower.</p>