<p>Ok, I’m going to stick my neck out here w/ a couple of comments.</p>
<p>My son is definitely going to UA…but it was a rocky road, decision-wise for him, especially after he toured the more well-known and probably more reputable engineering schools (w/ aero emphasis). The comment someone made above about co-ops/internships really caught my eye: this was a definite deal-breaker for my son - he KNEW he had to have either of these during college in order to get experience and job prospects at the end of college. </p>
<p>I can honestly say - and I hope you don’t jump down my throat here - that UA is WAY behind in the coop and internship ‘bandwagon’ (we had a very bad experience w/ this part of our tour, so if you want details, PM me…I’ve calmed down since…). There are very valid reasons for their being behind IMO…and I’ve drunk the Koolaid and I do believe help is on the way. Let me explain. </p>
<p>Specifically, there are something like 18 aero eng seniors at UA right now; in contrast, the incoming freshman class will probably have ~100. Just think about that for a moment. That is PHENOMENAL growth. In the recent ‘past’, there have not been many companies interested (or had the resources) to come down to li’l ol’ UA to interview just a couple of kids. Companies are after a much larger pool of students.</p>
<p>So, as the years tick over, YES, I have complete faith that UA will get on companies’ radars, and YES, there will be many more opportunities for our students.</p>
<p>Secondly, for aero specifically, the classes have in the past been so tiny that some classes are only offered certain semesters in alternative years. If you miss your semester or even year to take that class, guess what - you’re waiting another full year to take it. If students were to take a co-op in aero engineering, I know for a fact that this would not only put them a full year behind (which is typical), but more likely 2 years (since co-ops are usually multiple semesters, alternating between summer/fall and spring/summer). I know (again, I have faith!) that UA classes and its curriculum will grow as its student base grows, so I’m pretty certain that in a year or two, coops will become more and more prevalent rather than the rarity they are today.</p>
<p>I look at my son as a kind of pioneer. He decided to go out on a huge limb, to a university that offers limited coops, internships, and onsite job interviews in his field. And while that originally was a deal breaker for him, the other, multiple positives at UA far outweigh his unease about job prospects. He knows (and we parents know) how successful he will be, based on the opportunities he will have at UA…and, I will add that he is NOT NMSF, NOT UFE, NOT CBHP. He could have chosen to study at a place where everyone knows its name…but instead he has chosen to study at a place where everyone will know HIS name. We parents are very excited to help him help put UA even further on the map. :)</p>