Reputation system

Have you guys ever thought of instating a “reputation” system? Pretty sure it’s supported by the type of boards here.

In such systems, members can add “reputation” to others based on helpful (or funny) posts and subtract “reputation” based on annoying/rude/unhelpful posts.

IT WOULD BE FUN! :slight_smile:

Yes, I brought up a similiar issue in regards to essay readers.

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Hasn’t been responded to by a moderator or Roger yet…

As for an OVERALL reputation system, it’s not very helpful
to gain points for “being funny.” This is college-help website,
not a comedian website. People in the CC cafe section know
each other well enough to know who’s funny and who’s not
anyways. Now, in terms of a USEFULNESS rating, it would
help MANY people (especially parents) get their posts noticed

Yea, would be really helpful. Haha radronOmega def. would get best reputation… for essays…

i think this is a good idea

Yeah I agree, although the post count is supposed to give you an idea of experience the poster has, I think incorporating a reputation system would a be a far more accurate view of the poster by the other members.

The Ubuntuforums allow for a system of “Thanks” where posters can “thank” others for a particular post. That post then has the number of “thank yous” listed (and I think poster’s who thanked for that post, but I’m not positive), and then under post count there is a running tally on how many times that user has been “thanked”.

I think this is a pretty simple way to track “reputation” without having the negatives of leaving comments and being able to mark people down that could become a problem on a site like this.

It would also provide a way to identify posts which belong in the “sticky” section of this page (Featured Discussions).

This sounds like a good idea! (:
The points could be both for helpfulness and funniness lol

Why not just add digg up/down buttons on each comment? Your reputation could be the sum of the digg values for your comments. Plus this would encourage people to write more intelligent things and give lurkers an idea of which comments are true and which would lead people astray.