<p>I already posted this at 'What are my chances?' section and was told I may get a better responce here.</p>
<p>I'm U.S. citizen by birth only (born to North African parents). I'm 26 years old and was outside the U.S. between the ages of 2-19. I was always at the top 1% in school (country-wide) but had all my education in Arabic, and except for some classes I took at the junior college to acquire some basic English skills after my return to the U.S., I was away from school since 1998. I learned English relatively quick, but not quickly enough to keep up with native speakers. I've been back in the U.S. since 2000 and, as I mentioned, beside washing dishes and delivering pizzas, I have taken few classes at a community college in the Midwest. I have a total of 49 credits and GPA of less than 3. After my 1st semester in college I start getting into expenssive unfortunate situations (Traffic tickets, no work...etc), went broke and, eventually, had to leave school.
Can I disregard those 'bad credits' and miserable GPA and restart as if I didn't attend college?</p>
<p>I'm not prepare to take SAT at all, I just need a chance to demonstarte what I can accomplish, but don't know where/how to begin.</p>
<p>Though my finances aren't as stable as I would like 'em to be, but I WANT TO START OVER!!! AND NOT ANYWHERE, I'm looking at no less than UC Berkeley, and no more than Princeton (unless it's unacheivable in my case). I can relocate to any part of the country if I have the slightest chance.</p>