<p>Hello everybody. I'm an Electrical Engineering Technology major at my current CUNY school.</p>
<p>I have a 3.943/4.0 GPA and will have 32 credits at the time of application. (Additionally, I'll be taking 2 additional classes over the summer and doing research with professors.) I'm applying for transfer of the spring 2015 semester at NYU.</p>
<p>I'm applying to NYU CAS' 3-2 math w/ electrical engineering program. What are the requirements (like what classes should I be taking)? I will have taken the following classes:</p>
<p>Calc 1 (Took in Fall 2013 semester)
Calc 2-with honours distinction on my transcript (Currently taking for the spring 2014 semester)
English Comp. 1 (Took in Fall 2013 semester)
English Comp. 2 (Taking in the summer)
Circuit Analysis 1 (Currently taking for the spring 2014 semester)
Alg. Based Physics-first semester (I didn't have a choice in the matter for taking alg based physics; Took in Fall 2013 semester)
Calc Based Physics-first semester (Currently taking for the spring 2014 semester)
Intro to Philosophy (Currently taking for the spring 2014 semester)
General Chemistry 1 OR Calc Based Physics-second semester (Taking in the summer)
Techniques of Electrical Technology (Took in Fall 2013 semester; probably won't carry any weight in my admissions because this class is only worth 2-credits and was a pre-req for circuit analysis 1) </p>
-I'm a URM
-I'm enrolled in two honours programs within my school. One emphasizes community service, another emphasizes research programs.
-I'm in the math club within my school.</p>
<p>Have I messed up for NYU CAS or do I still have a chance for the 3-2 program? Any advice to beef my chances for admissions into NYU CAS? Thanks for whoever responds to this thread. :)</p>