Requirements to enroll in IB

<p>I'm interested in knowing if your high school has any requirements for students who want to enroll in the full Diploma program. Do you need to have a certain GPA, take a test, etc?</p>

<p>Our high school has been open to all who wish to enroll in IB, but that may (or may not) change, so I'm interested in how other high schools manage this area.</p>

<p>They made us write an essay and fill out an application (super basic), but I’m convinced that they just let anyone in.</p>

<p>Ours “lets anyone in” but in order to take the courses required to receive the full IB diploma, students need to start taking the prerequisite courses in their freshman year. By the time they are juniors and seniors, many students who started out thinking they might pursue a full IB diploma realize how difficult it will be and decide to take an easier path.</p>

<p>It depends on the high school</p>

<p>No requirements, but most of the classes do have prerequisites.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the answers. I understand the requirements depend on the high school. Our high school is considering changing the requirements, and I’m interested in how other high schools handle the issue.
I’d love more replies!</p>

<p>My school was self-selective for IB. If they thought it was a really bad idea, they would talk to you about it, but it was pretty open. And generally, people were good at self-selecting: no one wants to put themselves through the IB-hell if they know they’re going to burn.</p>

<p>When IB did their regular audit of our program, though, they actually suggested that it be made more open. There were “pre-IB” classes offered to freshmen and sophomores that were basically the honors-type classes (in English, languages, and math). You didn’t technically have to take the pre-IB classes to do IB classes, but IB still thought it implied too much restriction.</p>

<p>My school required an interview, 2years advanced in a foreign language, math, and 1 year advanced in science. With straight A’s from MS. With 2 teacher letters of recommendation</p>