Rescinded Admission deadlines

So my grades dropped off quite a bit, with several c’s and maybe even a d, so if I were to be rescinded, when would I find this out? Mid June? July? August?

You probably need two D grades or two F grades or one D and one F for rescission, or worse.

Update: 8 classes, 5 are AP: 4 C’s, 2 A’s, 2 B’s, which makes me nervous.

That’s a 2.8, almost a full grade point below the incoming freshman average. Makes sense why you’d be nervous, what made your grades drop? Don’t know how likely it is to be rescinded, but it could definitely raise some red flags. All you can do is wait and see at this point instead of worrying, it’s too late to undo your mistakes. If they send you a letter expressing concern, I understand you may send in an e-mail explaining circumstances. But in all honesty, I’d doubt you’d be revoked admission. As to when you’d find out, I’d assume it’d be before August considering the amount of time left until you attend, but I haven’t found any indication of a specific date on the website.

Most importantly- figure out WHY your grades were low, then correct your study habits so you do better in the future.

Contact your school / department the sooner the better.

Result for those agonizing over this in the spring: not even a letter of concern. Apparently approx. 10 are rescinded and 100 get letters of concern.