Research Opportunities

I’m a 15 year old sophomore from Georgia, and most of the research programs here are for 16 year olds or older. I would like to participate in a research program, but everywhere I look there is either an age restriction or a location restriction (ex: programs for people who only live in California). I was looking online and was told about the BUGS Jr program and the AMRI program at UNO, and I just wanted to know if anyone knew any others. Thanks in advance!

Have you looked into UGA Young Dawgs? My D did this the summer after sophomore year. Although it may be past the application deadline for this summer… it may be a consideration for next summer.

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I have looked at, but there are so many applicants. It’s full for the next school year unfortunately. Thank you though!

@VirginiaBelle @ChangeTheGame @Greatpyrmom

Any other ideas for this student (GA resident)?

See this Army Research Lab program, still accepting applications.
There may be couple of opportunities in Augusta and Forest Park, Savannah.


There will be a lot of applicants to all such programs.


Oops, what I mean’t was that there weren’t any spots left. Bad wording by me.

Thank you so much! I’ll definitely look into it.

My wife had a really talented 15 year old sophomore student in her Chemistry class with the same problem (it was relatively late in the summer application season and he was young for most programs). She recommended that he look up local college professors doing research and emailing some to see if they had room for a high school student who was willingly to work for free.

My wife’s high school is about 25 minutes from Emory University so the student focused on emailing professors at Emory and he eventually got a response back. He was able to spend the summer in a Biology research lab at Emory and learned some advanced laboratory techniques. That student ended up attending a top 10 USNWR ranked school, double majored in 2 STEM focused fields and is a recent college graduate who is currently working in Silicon Valley.

Good luck to you as you search out summer opportunities.