<p>Hello, everyone. :]</p>
<p>I'm currently a freshman in high school, and I've noticed that some people have done research projects on their own, in hospitals or universities. I just wanted to know -- how can I get involved in this? Is there an age requirement? I want to study something in biology, but how can I actually do a research project like this? Thank you! :]</p>
<p>Check with your school. My school has a DNA “club” where we analyze a segment of DNA. Several students have had research published. Doing this next year as a senior. </p>
<p>Talk with your teachers as well, if you are truly interested in it.</p>
<p>Thank you! :] I’ve checked with my school, but unfortunately it sucks [I’m switching next year, though] and the principal told me not to worry about it… for whatever reason.
But if I do this, am I going to have to get a mentor?</p>
<p>Lots of people in my school do research. The most surefire way to start a project is to email professors at nearby colleges and universities (even community colleges) and ask them whether they need a high schooler to help with their research. If you email them your resume and it’s good (eg. good grades, experience in science research/competitions, and maybe even a teacher rec), then there is a high chance they will accept you.</p>
<p>What you should take away is that there is no front door for research opportunities with mentors/professors; you have to take the initiative to seek out these chances.</p>