Residency comes next

Yay! For everyone matching!

It is such a relief.

Sending good wishes to all current and future residents and their great parents. CONGRATULATIONS and GOOD LUCK! The week ahead will be exciting. I hope Friday is a great day.

I remember this week, four years ago now, vividly. That email on Monday morning was wonderful - I still have the forwarded message from D.

We are anxiously waiting for Friday for D’s friend. We knew that she would match. Friday will tell us if she is going to be in the same city as our D. We already have presents to deliver to her.
For my D. a year ago, Monday was more important than Friday, Monday was a greatest relief in our lives. Friday was memorable, you will not see MDs behaving like 3 y o kids any more! Worthwhile to attend! I have never in my life saw my D. shaking so badly while opening her envelop.

Congrats to everybody!

So very exciting for all! Wish I could think of an appropriate gift for BFF to take to her son for Friday’s unveiling~ Ideas?


At D1’s school, I know there was a lot of heavy duty partying going on the afternoon & evening after Match Day. In fact the partying started even before the ceremony with mimosas as part of the catered brunch. There was dancing on the tables after envelopes were distributed and a chartered party bus that travelled around to all the downtown bars/breweries. (There was also an unofficial ‘no parents’ rule for the ceremonies because it was their class’s last chance to celebrate together. Graduation was for parents, but Match was just for them.)

Interesting that traditions/customs vary so much among the schools, BFF is planning to be there for the opening of the envelope. Says the school has what appears to be a lovely reception planned for them. I’ve heard of another school that rents out a huge facility for the celebration! So exciting!

Yikes! It’s starting all over again.

D2 just got her STEP score back. She did good (even better than her sister).

I am thinking of everyone today and hoping they are pleased with their respective matches!

I thought it was funny that D received a match list from one of her admitted schools 3 hours ago and I was not even sure when they released it today.

Son officially started his 4th year of med school on Monday, so now, as the title says
 residency comes next!

I can’t believe 3 years of med school have gone by so fast. For those parents whose kids will be beginning med school this summer, it may seem like there wil be this long breather before the next stressful time
but, no. Time flies.

I guess this thread is the right place to post this
 Son was just notified about an “away rotation” to UCSF. Hoping that will be a help in the long-run for residency matching. I don’t know a whole lot about this part of the process, so 

Aways can help in the following ways:

–some specialties require at least 1 and preferably 2 SLOEs (Specialty Letter Of Evaluation), including 1 from outside one’s home program
–provides the student with a SLOE from another region of the country. This is especially important for students attending state med schools (which tend to have regional reputations but not national ones)
–sometime functions as a “audition” for the away program and can enhance a student’s chance of getting a residency interview IF the student is one of their top visiting students

Aways can also backfire. D1 was down-ranked by several programs she interviewed at because they assumed–rightly or wrongly-- that D1 would choose the brand-name program where she did her away** over theirs.

** One PD actually read her SLOE from her away program to her verbatim. (It was glowing. She was ranked their #1 visiting student for the year.) At least 3 PDs asked her point-blank whether she preferred their program over her away program. (Which is supposed to be an ‘off-limits’ question, but gets asked anyway. And seriously how in the heck is a person supposed to answer that?)

^ FYI, SLOEs do not stand for specialty letter of evaluation. It stands for standardized letter of evaluation, and is primarily used by emergency medicine residencies.

One PD actually read her SLOE from her away program to her verbatim. (It was glowing. She was ranked their #1 visiting student for the year.) At least 3 PDs asked her point-blank whether she preferred their program over her away program. (Which is supposed to be an ‘off-limits’ question, but gets asked anyway. And seriously how in the heck is a person supposed to answer that?



how would someone answer that?

My D. did not have a single away rotation. She did fine in matching cycle. When time comes, apply smartly, do not listen to many people, follow your own intuition and everything will be fine! The residency application cycle was in fact the most stressful out of them all for my D. Best wishes on this final stretch!

As diplomatically as possible.

My D was also asked a version of that question a number of times.

Not everyone who applies gets an away rotation at UCSF. Well done, son of mom2collegekids.

How quickly times flies!

Text from D2 tonight: I’m studying for my surgery shelf. Bring me food.

Good luck to your D2, wowm!
Yes, time flies, but not for them! It has been the hardest year for my D., but after many 30 hour shifts and few lives saved, she is off into her specialty in 3 weeks, bringing a lot of Internal Medicine experience with her. Still have to finish off her first year with at least couple more of 30 hrs shifts. No exams, no studying this year though. A lot of it will start at her new place. Again going thru all the benefits and other HR stuff. It is strange to be a first year again, while being called a second year. Starting from the bottom on July 1. Good thing that she knows all 3 of her future classmates.

@wowm Good luck to D2 as well!. I know schools weight shelf exams differently. At S’s school it was I think 35-40% of final grade (H, HP, etc) but since surgery and IM were 2x as long as other clerkships, the surgery shelf counted 2x as much as compared to other clerkships and so for S it was a very big deal especially when considering that PDs seem to put a lot of weight on third year clerkships grades. Again good luck to D2. Is D2 interested in surgery?