Residency comes next

<p>My DD is applying for residency now. I will not be revealing her speciality selection, but suffice to say she researched several once she began her clinicals.</p>

<p>Along the way in our research we found this handbook, while it address EM specifically, most of the information applies to other specialties, too.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”></a></p>

<p>I have suggested that CC add a new sub-forum, something either about med school, since we all post on pre-med or something about residency. Feel free to come over to the other topic in medicine forum and comment as to whether that is a subject that merits it’s own arena.</p>

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<p>Best wishes for your D!</p>

<p>Good luck somemom’s D!</p>

<p>somemom, Best wishes to your D. The time passes so fast. It is as if she was an MS1 not long ago. Still remember norcalguy started a similar thread and we were learning the basic terminologies from him and several other “very senior” CCers.</p>


Well, we’ll start posting about pre-med stuff on this thread, just to get back at you ;)</p>

<p>Seriously though, why have the residency conversation as part of “pre-med topics”? A better way to do this is to have a separate section like “Residency topics”.</p>

<p>^probably because this is the most viewed section for medical school stuff.</p>

<p>I suggested a residency sub-forum and it was pointed out that the pre-med is really the only consistently active board. </p>

<p>I began this thread to see if there is enough interest in a residency sub-forum to merit requesting one be added. </p>

<p>I think we all just continue to post on the active board because we are checking it.</p>

<p>"in residency matching is expected "
-Ranked #1 at our local Med. School did not match last year. Not sure the end of her story.</p>

" Miami- that is scary, it would be nice to know the specialty, how many programs she ranked, etc. Oh, and did she SOAP successfully? What is she doing now?</p>

<p>No one wants to hear about #1 not matching unless she only ranked 1-2 spots or something crazy."</p>

<p>“Miami- that is scary, it would be nice to know the specialty, how many programs she ranked, etc. Oh, and did she SOAP successfully? What is she doing now?”

  • all I know that the specialty was Derm. (pretty predictable, right?). I have no idea about anything else. D. said that they scramble, not sure if I spell it correctly. Also, keep in mind that Derm. matching is very late (latest of all?). We heard (only rumors, cannot say if it was true), that she went only to 3 interviews and then stopped going. Do not ever do that. I am not sure if I can believe in this. After huge effort to get into #1 ranked, you go to only 3 interviews? It just does not make any sense.</p>

<p>Thanks, somemom for thei thread and best wishes to your D.
"I began this thread to see if there is enough interest in a residency sub-forum to merit requesting one be added. "
-I am definitely in.
Looking forward to read more comments about process. One year from now for my D. Getting scary since she ruled a lot from the start and ruling out more going thru rotations. Seems that she was right on a money with her initial selections (or we hope so!)</p>

<p>Miami- you mentioned that girl who did not match in derm and only did 3 three interviews. DD is trying to figure out the magic number, but it seems like it would be smart to rank at least 10-12, which perhaps means 15 interviews if you don’t like a program or two.</p>

<p>The interview process would not be quite as difficult if you got a list up front and scheduled them in an orderly fashion, but it doesn’t work that way.</p>

<p>She has interviews in the same area that have to be different weeks due to availability of dates.</p>

<p>Many people use SWA since there are no change fees, though DD has a mileage account with another airline, too and would like to at least accrue miles, but then it also depends on the route.</p>

<p>When you have applied for residency you need to carry your phone at all times, even on clinical rotations and you need to respond immediately to invitations as sometimes you will be invited and then discover all the spots have been taken if you don’t answer quickly enough.</p>

<p>“DD is trying to figure out the magic number, but it seems like it would be smart to rank at least 10-12”
-Mine also was wondering, so she has talked to some people. The common is to apply to all programs (she is not going to do it) in order to get about 10 interviews in hopes for one spot. She said that she is planning (at least for now) to hit some 60+ programs in hopes for 10 interviews and one spot. She has also talked to couple of people in charge of the couple programs (personally). She was told that she will be considered a “midwest” applicant (living in midwest since birth, going to midwest UG and Med. School), so she has better chances applying in midwest, a.k.a around our state. I got the list of all programs (about 110 or so) and went in circular movements on a map and made a list of about 65 programs for her. I do not know if she is gong to use this list, but I have had fun and share it with my H. who fully enjoyed it. Well, the contact info needs to be veriufied but at least the one that D. talked to is on this list and correct. </p>

<p>"When you have applied for residency you need to carry your phone at all times, even on clinical rotations and you need to respond immediately to invitations as sometimes you will be invited and then discover all the spots have been taken if you don’t answer quickly enough. " - this is amazing to know. There is no problem, D’s phone is always with her, but clinicals is another story. If you answer, then you are making negative impression though and your “H” jeopardized. I wonder how they strike a balance with this.</p>


<p>No rest for the wicked…</p>


<p>D1 will be applying to a competitive specialty. She’s already strategically planning and researching where to go for her MS4 away rotations. She’ll start applying for her away rotations in December. (Yikes! So soon!)</p>

<p>FRIEDA Online</p>



<p>[FREIDA</a> Online®](<a href=“]FREIDA”></p>

<p>NRMP – The National Residency Match Program</p>

<p>[Home</a> | The Match](<a href=“”></p>

<p>NRMP FAQs</p>

<p>[FAQs</a> | The Match](<a href=“]FAQs”>Help & Support | NRMP)</p>

<p>ACGME–Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education</p>

<p>[ACGME</a> Home](<a href=“]ACGME”>ACGME Home)</p>

<p>** ACGME FAQs**</p>

<p>[ACGME</a> > About > Newsroom > Fact Sheet](<a href=“]ACGME”></p>

<p>For procedure-oriented specialties (Anesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Integrated, General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Vascular Surgery and Urology), you may want to look at local and national case log statistics here: [ACGME</a> > Data Collection Systems > Resident Case Log System > Case Logs Statistical Reports](<a href=“]ACGME”></p>

<p>Additionally nearly every specialty has its own professional organization. The professional organization has specialty-specific residency info on its website. This is also the best place to find non-Match residency information. (And, no, while most specialities and positions are filled thru NRMP, not all are. Urology, for example, holds its own separate match.)</p>

<p>And if want scuttlebutt----</p>


<p>Anonymous reviews of residency programs by med students and residents</p>

<p>[</a> Residency Program Reviews](<a href=“]”></p>

<p>**SDN —Student Doctor Network ** has a whole sub-forum on specialties for physicians, residents and soon-to-be residents. Most specific specialty subforums include a program review thread. There is also a general residency match forum.</p>

<p><a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/forumdisplay.php?f=35[/url]”>http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/forumdisplay.php?f=35&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And if you are interested in a particular specialty—there are anonymous message boards that review residency programs in that specialty.</p>

<p>For example: Orthopedics <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Please feel free to add to this list!</p>

<p>Oh my! This process gets worse rather than better? I thought the college application process was bad. Then we’re learning about med school applications. Now we have to worry about the residency process next?


<p>Somemom, I’m glad there’s not a separate residency forum. By the time I discover it, I’d be too late. But instead, I can learn about these topics vicariously, which will be helpful in a few years.</p>


<p>Derm does not match late. They might interview later in the cycle (I personally don’t have any idea if that’s the case), but everyone matches on the same day except urology and opthamology which match early. If this was this past year, then they “SOAPed” and no longer “scrambled.”</p>

<p>The scramble was essentially a total free for all for the 4 days leading up to match day for the people who did not actually match. SOAP now provides some structure and order to the process and allows candidates from lesser ranked schools to have a better chance since scrambling often involved someone from the school calling the program and begging for a spot. Obviously the higher ranked schools had more pull, but now with SOAP it’s more about rapidly reviewing the apps of the applicants.</p>

<p>If she in fact went to only 3 derm interviews, that’s definitely what did her in.</p>

<p>the number of programs to apply to is highly specialty and stats dependent. I don’t know what Miami’s D is going for or her stats, but to contrast, my friend doing anesthesia is applying to only 20, not 60+.</p>


<p>many of my MS4 former classmates had been asking around to find out which 4th year rotations were the cushiest so that they could be more attentive to their phones. Usually the issue isn’t that the actual spots are gone, but that you are left with limited to no choice which could lead to conflicts with other interviews (or the cost issue of having to book everything on short notice or the issue of having to make ridiculous travel arrangements like thinking you were going to fly to another city for one interview on monday and another on weds and now you have to go somewhere else for a tuesday interview between them)</p>

<p>^yep. the residents today in clinic were talking about this to one of the rotating 4th years. As soon as they got an email or call for interview, they would drop whatever they were doing and go to the hallway or bathroom to claim their desired date. Wait more than 3 hrs and you’re stuck with whatever is left. Some programs in the smaller highly competitive fields only have 2-3 interview days total.</p>



<p>This was my daughter’s explanation. She is finding the whole -keeping your phone with you at all times- thing stressful. She has friends to camp with almost everywhere she is applying so at least we won’t be springing for hotel rooms at most of her potential interview locations. I am hoping that some of the trips can be set up with frequent flyer miles. I thought that the med school application process was wacky. IMHO residency is more so.</p>

<p>It is very frustrating to have to buy tickets and travel to far away states multiple times, to the same city in the state different weeks.</p>