Residency comes next

With two recent matches. Wanted to send congrats to anyone who may have had anyone matching

DS has matched to his #1 choice. He couldn’t be happier…

Woohoo! Great news!


Terrific news!

congrats @learninginprog

Congrats! @learninginprog

But Match day 2019 is March 15, how could your son got the results in Jan?

@artloversplus …military match?

Methodology and Urology match in January.

Oops, Opthomology. I don’t seem to have an edit button.


Military Match was December 15.

San Francisco Match (ophthalmology) was Jan 10.

Urology Match was Jan 18.

@artloversplus read post 1389…some matches have already taken place.

Thanks all. @artloversplus , I see others have made you aware of the early matches. @thumper it was not military match. Still have a horse in the race for march’s match, so fingers crossed and hope things align.

D1 and hubby have made a final decision about their future. Hubby’s current employer made an offer he couldn’t refuse. D1 has accepted a fellowship in retrieval medicine. D1 will be emigrating in July.

Congrats to WOWM! It is extremely difficult to have couple to get job positions in the same town.

They’ll both be working on the same campus, not just in the same city of 5 million…so they are very fortunate.


Does fellowship have a fixed date for matching? or it is on a rolling basis? I thought NRMP also is involved in matching, I could be wrong.

OK, I found this, but it seems NRMP got involved only so few subspecialties.

I believe this fellowship is abroad.


@texaspg is correct. This particular fellowship is not in the US.

fellowship apps are not a standardized process like residency. some specialties are very similar, others aren’t even close. Sometimes some specialties even have different processes for different subspecialties

Ok, here is my question:

If a US “student” enters a fellowship in a foreign country, can they practice medicine in that country or they have to return to the US to practice? I believe most of them can’t, if they can, which country will allow that?

I have a D of my German friend came to Canada for her Cardiology fellowship, she had to return to EU (Swiss) to practice her specialty.