Residential Housing (Mahoney)

<p>I'm in a double suite in Mahoney, where 4 people will be sharing a bathroom. I'm a little worried that I might have to deal with messy roomates and a stinking bathroom. I was wondering if Mahoney also has public showers that would get cleaned by janitorial staff. Originally I thought that if anything I can take my shower at the fitness center since I enjoy working out in the morning before class, however I don't think Mahoney is the residential hall close to the center.</p>

<p>Mahoney and the Wellness Center are on opposite sides of campus. Standford and Hecht are over near the Wellness Center..... And no....there are no public shower's in Mahoney. It will be up to you and your suitemates to keep your bathrooms clean yourselves. If done properly, you will find that it'll be a lot cleaner than the community baths anyway......</p>