Residential Leadership Community Status?

<p>My application has been pending for weeks. Has anyone else found out from the RLC regarding admission? When did you apply?</p>

<p>My D got her application in on May 1st and heard she was accepted on May 14th.</p>

<p>I applied on the deadline and and was notified May 14th; as a small note though, I applied for the Biological Life Sciences & Learning Community back in early March, and still haven’t heard any response back from them yet.</p>

<p>I submitted mine on April 29th, and it says “Pending since May 14th”</p>

<p>My daughter applied on April 21st and was accepted May 3rd; her girlfriend applied on April 22nd and is still waiting for an answer. I think they got a rush of applications right after the April 17-18 Hokie Focus, as prior to that virtually everyone who applied got an answer back in about 10 days.</p>

<p>How do they notify?
Thank you</p>

<p>They notify via email, plus you can check the status of your application online (it should go from “submitted” and the date you submitted to “offered” if you get accepted.)</p>

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