
<p>This morning... my mom woke me up, yelling and *****ing about stuff, specifically the cancellation of our gym memberships. She had wanted me to do it... which I did, but these gyms are usually really hard to deal with... making it so that it's almost impossible for one to cancel their accounts. </p>

<p>We were billed again, $180 for the both of us and my girlfriend. She woke me up this morning at 7am just to tell me this, saying lots of **** that I couldnt understand because heck, she had just woken me up. So I'm lying there, with my back hurting like a ***** and all I could do was say that I'd take care of it later.</p>

<p>After that, as I was driving my brother to school, I was talking to him about the responsibilities that I have right now... that for sure, my mom will place on him when I leave for college in August. I told him that it's going to be a lot of hard stuff and that he may not even have any time to take care of it. HOWEVER... he'll have to considering.. my mom loves guilting us into doing work for her. </p>

<p>Dont get me wrong, my mom isnt a jerk, in fact, she's the nicest person on the face of this earth... it's just that she has a lot of responsibilities as well. She has two choirs to learn music for, she has two jobs with four different sets of due dates... and a lot of work at home to take care of. We definitely help her around with all that stuff, but still... it's definitely hard to handle. My father on the other hand, is the lazy bastard. He's a nice guy, and he tells us that he definitely wants to help... but does he? nope... he procrastinates the hell out of everything my mom requests him to do.</p>

<p>Man... I'm expecting a hell load of calls while I'm at college. What do I do about that? I dont know what to say or do about this because it'll definitely **** me off. Any suggestions? Anyone in a similar situation?</p>