Rest in Peace: College Closings

Wells College in NY might close if fall goes online

I was about to post this. Sad day I remember during Transfer fair at MVCC there was this senior citizen Admission officer that always seem nice and actually at that time was thinking of attending Wells College. Sadly, I never applied and to this day I regret that decision. ?

Please give input on Susquehanna University’s financial stability. My child is going there.

This thread highlights my one true worry for my D20 who is taking a gap year. I worry that her college- Goucher, or her majors- dance and education, may not be there in a year when she’s ready to go… and that she’ll be back to square one.

Following. Mine is a current student but was accepted as a transfer at another school. Still deciding where she will attend.

You should start a different thread for this, this thread is for college closings.

With that said look at Susquehanna’s endowment, expenses and how they are funded (get their Form 990), and their credit rating. Here is a primer on how to assess a school’s finances, if you do a google search you will find more helpful info.

Pine Manor College (in the Boston area) is merging into Boston College:

Actually it’s bankruptcy law that’s doing really well right now. Have friends with work coming out their ears.

Pine manor college merger with BC would be a great asset for BC To expand

It sounds more like BC is acquiring Pine Manor in a fire sale.

It’s a little of both, really. BC is acquiring PMC in a fire sale, sure, but BC has no room to expand its original campus, and the satellite part of its campus a few minutes shuttle ride away (from another fire-sale acquisition a few years ago) is actually further away from the original BC campus than PNC’s campus.

So basically, BC gets to expand its campus in a way that makes sense geographically, and BC’s offices dedicated to students in underrepresented/at-risk populations get to have additional resources provided by people who know what they’re doing, since that was part of PMC’s institutional mission and some of their human capital is coming with the acquisition.

Corona closures/ Mergers as of May 16th:

JFK University - California
Notre Dame De Namur University - California (delay closure)
Holy Family College - Wisconsin
Urbana University - Ohio
Southern State Community College Closing Wilmington Campus
University of Akron Wayne College - Millersburg Location
MacMurray College - Illinois
San Francisco Institute of Arts - California (no degree programs / delaying closure)
Pine Manor College - Massachusetts

I haven’t heard any rumors of financial difficulties at Susquehanna. That’s one thing that impressed me about the school. My oldest looked at it during the height of the recession and the school was going strong, hiring more faculty and building new facilities. They get a lot of donations from alumni, apparently.

Decided to stop enrolling new students for summer/fall 2020, but will operate until spring 2021 for continuing students.

I have some extra respect for the few places that close down like Notre Dame de Namur is doing—it seems the most compassionate, because rising seniors get to finish, other students get some time to work on transferring, and at least some faculty and staff get some time to look for new jobs.

It does seem that they had to realize that the end was near before it was so near that immediate shutdown was the only option because the money completely ran out, like at some other colleges. Also, they had to avoid the tendency to pretend that everything was fine until the money completely ran out – many leaders in many organizations do this, because if they announce financial problems, they fear that customers and staff will leave and accelerate the fall.

I remeber reading about their closure before that pandemic.

Not closings (so far), but significant cutbacks in the U Alaska system:

Though merging the U of Alaska Southeast (in Juneau) into either the U of Alaska Anchorage or the U of Alaska Fairbanks Probably the latter) was on the agenda—but they deferred action on that.

(It’s no secret that the system president wants consolidation in the U of Alaska System, possibly even merging everything into the Fairbanks campus, but he just got named the sole finalist for the presidency of the U of Wisconsin system, so who knows where that plan goes now?)

Master of Science in Water and Environment Science
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
Masters of Arts in Chemistry
Masters of Science in Biochemistry
Masters of Science in Environmental Chemistry (Sad, I really wanted to attend there)
Masters of Science in Space Physics
MS and Ph.D. Atmospheric Science (This one shocked me because UAF research in ice is best) It was the only Ph.D. to be discontinued. @dfbdfb