Rest in Peace: College Closings

So, Alliance University most of us would know it as Nyack college is shutting down. We now wait for King’s College which just lost accreditation


They had a 16 million net loss in 2022 and they have gone from a high of 122 (I think) in total assets since being saved to 99 million. Hampshire realistically will need to merge.


Hampshire’s problems were baked in from the start, I fear—it was founded (at the urging of the other colleges in the area!) to be experimental college, but the seed money it was given was too ridiculously low for it to be able to really properly run the experiments it needed to.

Johnson university closing their Florida campus which was a merger with Florida Christian College


So, Kings college NYC will not close but will not offer classes in the fall, has fired its faculty and lost accreditation.


Staying technically “open” in an attempt to be able to sell nontangible assets along with the tangible ones, I guess?

Lasell University cuts humanities. Newton, MA. Paywall unfortunately.

Facing financial woes, Lasell University plans to cut humanities majors and lay off faculty - The Boston Globe


Alderson Broaddus University in West Virginia seems to be next on the list for closure. They have to have a plan for transferring students and moving transcripts to a third party (seems West Virginia Learnt from the Ohio Valley University mess when it comes to transcripts)


Right on the heels of major press releases about “cutting” their tuition (although kids still seem to be paying the same. They are just more upfront about final costs) and recruiting all the local kids for sports.


So true about the recruiting….they aren’t the only D3 school where the athletes are literally keeping the doors open. The coaches function as an extension of the admissions office. Who knows if even that will be enough for Lasell though.


My guess is that they will soon follow Mount Ida College and Pine Manor College into oblivion.

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We know Class of 22 kids that were lured there to play and then cut in the pre-season. Class of 23 didn’t learn their lesson and all headed there as well.

On the topic of what happens to the physical assets of closed colleges, here’s one I just saw: The Ramirez Family Foundation (which I can’t find anything about on Wikipedia, but appears to fund Christian K–12 schools in the US, Puerto Rico, and Central America?) just purchased the campus of the former Cardinal Strich University for $24M. It sounds like they’re intending to open a new K–12-level school there, but there weren’t a lot of specifics.


Vatican approved! Wow.


Sad that Alderson Broaddus University students were given such short notice

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I can’t imagine that this is a surprise for the school. I’m sure that they have been under scrutiny & have had an improvement plan with specific target dates that most likely were missed. I feel bad for the students, but I’m sure that there will be schools eager to enroll those students. Hopefully, it will work out well for the students, who are definitely in a tough spot.

The school may be blaming “innuendo” for this happening now, but if you’re sending out requests for donations to make payroll…two times in a row at that, there’s not much “innuendo” to blame.

According to the article, West Virginia Wesleyan is already offering fast and free priority applications and transcript reviews. It seems kind of unsavory to include in the article about the closing, but with closing happening less than three weeks before school was supposed to start, time is of the essence for the impacted students.


29 posts were merged into an existing topic: Deep cuts at West Virginia University

So Hussain college of Art is shutting down in Philly.

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As there is now a thread about the West Virginia cuts, I’ve posted my next response over there: