Revamped California Middle Class Scholarship 2022-2023

Looks like CSAC is now considering COA instead of just tuition, so if you were getting Pell, CalGrant A, etc., you can now be considered for the Middle Class Scholarship (MCS). I read that grants will range between $1,000 and just over $3,000 on average in the program’s first phase. Students in higher-income households will typically get the larger amounts to make up for the lack of aid they receive from other state and federal grants.

Revamped MCS Program Focuses on the Total Cost of Attendance. The revamped MCS program (also administered by CSAC) is very different than the original program. Rather than focusing solely on tuition, the revamped program is based on a student’s full cost of attendance, including living costs.

Revamped MCS Program Serves a Broader Range of Students. Another key difference from the original MCS program is that UC and CSU students receiving tuition coverage through Cal Grants or other financial aid programs (who typically are lower‑income students) will be newly eligible for MCS awards under the revamped program. Middle‑ and higher‑income UC and CSU students generally will remain eligible for MCS awards.

After receiving an email from CSAC that my daughter was eligible this morning, I checked her CSAC account today and it does show she was awarded the CalGrant A and also the Middle Class Scholarship (abt $2500 spread over 3 quarters). We only got the CalGrant so far but from what I read they the CSAC just did the numbers this month to figure out who was eligible.

No word from UCLA on how they are going to disburse this (if at all).

Any other UC or CSU students/parents heard of how it will work?

Will the UCs reduce subsidized loans instead of disbursing them?

How will it affect private scholarships?

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It looks like my daughter’s Middle Class Scholarship will be about $200 less this year than last for fall and spring semesters ($3780 vs. $3980). She had another $300 added to last year’s award after enrolling in two classes this summer so the total was $4280 for 2021-2022. She’s currently in her second year at Cal and isn’t eligible for a Cal grant.

Last year, the MCS was disbursed about a week before payment was due for fall semester. I’d already paid the full amount due so UCB sent a refund check for the fall portion (my daughter hadn’t yet set up direct deposit).

I called UCB financial aid before the current fall semester because the MCS wasn’t showing up and was told that everything was running later than usual because of the new calculations this year.

I expect we’ll receive a refund for my daughter’s fall MCS award whenever it’s loaded into her account. There’s chatter on FB that it could be coming soon b/c the award amounts are now showing up in students’ CSAC accounts and there’s a message on Cal Central saying it will be down at some point this weekend.

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Hi. I am wondering how the UCs are going to handle this MCS for students already getting the CalGrant - if they are going to reduce the subsidized loan to account for this scholarship or if they are going to actually refund it. My daughter’s private scholarship reduced her FAN instead of giving more towards housing, but supposedly this MCS is ok for housing as it is for the COA.

Double-check the latest info on the MCS- my understanding is that it only covers tuition and fees and not living expenses. To be honest, I’m not familiar with how refunds are handled with subsidized loans and if it depends on whether a loan has already been disbursed. Might be worth a call to financial aid to clarify.

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Hi. New this year is that the Middle Class Scholarship now considers full cost of attendance (COA) not just the tuition, this is beginning with the 2022-2023 year. Also, some students can get the MCS even if they get the CalGrant, Pell Grant, etc., so that is why most students are to expect between $1-$3K (per the article above) when they are not used to getting the MSC because it did use to be an either or situation with the Pell/CalGrant, but now it is a plus (in addition to).

From the link above:
Revamped MCS Program Focuses on the Total Cost of Attendance. The revamped MCS program (also administered by CSAC) is very different than the original program. Rather than focusing solely on tuition, the revamped program is based on a student’s full cost of attendance, including living costs.

Revamped MCS Program Serves a Broader Range of Students. Another key difference from the original MCS program is that UC and CSU students receiving tuition coverage through Cal Grants or other financial aid programs (who typically are lower‑income students) will be newly eligible for MCS awards under the revamped program. Middle‑ and higher‑income UC and CSU students generally will remain eligible for MCS awards.

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Just wanted to follow-up that my UCLA sophomore got the FAN update this week adding the Middle Class Scholarship to her 2022-23 financial aid package. Best part is that they did not lower any of her other aid (sub loan, alumni scholarship and CalGrant) to compensate. It will be disbursed in November just in time to pay for Winter.

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To follow up AGAIN. A second FAN received by my Bruin today has now updated financial aid to to lessen, reduce the subsidized loan amount for the year by the same amount of the Middle-Class Scholarship. So no refund is forthcoming. Just wanted to FYI just in case your student gets the same thing. I guess if you have other aid they will always reduce. You can request a budget request if you can show your student spends more for travel to and from the school, or medical bills or school projects or up to $2000 to purchase a computer (one time per attendance).

My son is at UC Davis. We just missed getting the Cal Grant (just above income threshold) and have no other grants or aid (didn’t take any loans out either). His CSAC account shows he qualifies for $4,601 for Middle Class Scholarship but we’re still waiting on it to hit his Davis myAwards account. Hoping it happens before winter tuition is due on 12/15.

My student’s MCS loaded in her CalCentral account on Dec 2, about a month after showing up in the CSAC portal. It seems really haphazard this year b/c not all UCB students have had theirs loaded in their student account, including some who can see the award in CSAC. My daughter receives no other grants so is expecting a refund of the full “overpayment” for fall. She saw on Reddit that some UCSC students are still waiting for MCS adjustments.

It is definitel haphazard. Davis is now showing late December for MCS to show up in students’ account. Guess I’ll be making that full payment on 12/15. Then I should get a nice refund for the fall and winter quarters :slight_smile: Hopefully it is more smooth next year.

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Has anyone in the CSU system received the MCS that CSAC says it has awarded? My son is at San Diego State. CSAC indicated an award months ago, but so far nothing from the school. There is nothing in the student portal to acknowledge it, and their Financial Aid office is only reachable through Zoom. The process puts you in a waiting room. So far I haven’t been able to wait long enough to reach anyone.