Review my essay?

So basically, I did crappy on my ACT (23) and my gpa isn’t the best (3.5), so I’m really betting on this essay to help me get in. The one thing that might help me get in is that I’m involved in almost everything. SO, critque my essay? I don’t have an ending yet.

I look like the typical high school kid. I go to class, I do my homework, and I study for my tests. If you were to look into a room full of students, I don’t think you’d pick me as the hardest worker. On top of basic high school responsibilities and my job, I involve myself in almost every club that my school has to offer. I feel that not many people notice how much of a hard worker I am and how hard I work to fulfill my big dreams.
Ever since elementary school I have been involved in school plays and theatre productions. I’d watch the high school plays and tell myself that I will be in the ‘big kid’s’ plays when I grow up. When I showed up to try-outs my stomach was in a knot, I was so nervous, but I remembered little bright-eyed fourth grade Erin and told myself to relax, I was going to have a great role in this play. I went up there and gave it my all, and I got a part that fit me perfectly. Now I act in the school plays every year. Putting together a show is a lot of hard work, but it’s an amazing feeling once it all comes together.
In my junior year of high school I signed up for a program called Kinship. I was given a child to mentor the whole year. We met up once a week and I give the kid an older friend to talk to. I got matched with a first grade boy named William. I told myself that I’m gonna make this boy happy every time that we get together. Even if that meant racing him around the gymnasium and definitely not letting him win. On our last day of Kinship, he gave me a big hug and told me he was going to miss me. That’s when I knew I had achieved my goal, and it felt so rewarding.
Music has always been a very important part of my life. I’ve been in band since fourth grade and choir since second grade. I was always looking for something more to challenge me in music. In middle school, I was introduced to solo and ensemble. I immediately fell in love with the idea of learning a new piece outside of class to perform in front of a judge. Solo and ensemble is something I look forward to every year, because it’s always a great way to improve my musical skills. Plus, it always feels good to receive a gold medal.
My freshman year of high school I had a boyfriend who was involved in forensics, he told me that I wouldn’t like it if I joined, but I did anyways. He recommended me to do a group piece so I wasn’t scared in front of judges, but I told him I wanted to perform a solo speech. He said that I wouldn’t make it to state if I did that, but I didn’t let him get me down. I practiced my speech in front of my class. I practiced my speech for my dog. I practiced my speech in the shower. And once again, I managed to reach a high goal I set for myself with lots of hard work. I made it to state and received a bronze medal for my oratory speech about women’s rights. Every year after that I continued to make it to state, improving my scores each time.

Hard work is definitely not something everyone wants to be doing. Sure, watching netflix in bed sounds a lot more fun than practicing the same song over and over again, but in the end what’s really worth it?

Consider studying and retaking the ACT.

Make an appointment with your English teacher to have him/her review the essay with you and provide feedback.

Agree with post #1. You should be discussing things with your own HS teachers, not CC people. btw- be aware of posting too much on a public forum.

A counselor told me to never put in an essay (we were actually talking about UW’s essays) that you’re a hard worker. Anyone that gets into Madison is a hard worker, and it’s such a cliché. I think it’s well written, but maybe consider changing the quality you write about slightly?

That 23 puts you in the bottom 5% of admitted students. You need to retake that.