Review vs academic admit question

<p>As of right now, DD will apply this year as a review applicant because she can't get the ACT math subscore of 27 necessary to be an academic admit (she has a 26). She'll apply with a 30 composite, in the top 14% of her class, GPA 4.4 weighted/3.7 unweighted, mostly honors and AP classes, with loads of extracurricular/leadership/work experience and good letters of recommendation. Does anyone know how it works if she applies August 1 as a review candidate but then does better on her ACT in September and gets the 27 in math? Will she change to an academic admit or remain a review applicant since that's how she applied, or would it be better to wait to apply until she sees how she does on the next ACT (she wants to major in engineering, so she knows it's best to apply as soon as possible)? Any input would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>I would not wait to apply to engineering until she has her new and, hopefully, qualifying ACT score. I am guessing she won’t find out her ACT scores from the September test for about 6 weeks or mid-to-late October. If you apply then, even as an auto-admit you might run the risk of having the spaces in engineering filled up. You might want to call the admissions office but I believe you can submit higher scores later on after you have applied. Based upon my own daughter, an engineering student, having lots of AP Calc and lots of AP Physics saved her that first year. </p>

<p>Thank you for the response. Good idea about checking with the Admissions office - I will definitely do that. Like you mentioned, engineering spots fill up quickly, so I’m not too keen on the idea of waiting to apply until September ACT results are available. She’ll be taking AP Calculus and AP Physics this year, so hopefully that will help her.</p>

<p>If the new scores changes your admission type from Review to Auto the computer auto-admit you. Apply early for engineering.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>