Revised Chances Profile: URM Chances

<p>yep, I think you definitely have a realistic chances at JHU :)</p>

<p>Thanks you guys ^_^. The feedback has been much appreciated.</p>

<p>TOUSEN! I'm helpin ya out here.</p>

<p>open EA: You can apply to another open EA school and you don't have to go if you're accepted.</p>

<p>SCEA (Single choice early action): You can apply to ONLY that school, but you don't have to go htere if you're accepted.</p>

<p>ED: You can ONLY apply, you MUST go there (save people like Calculus >_>)</p>

<p>O_O... bump</p>

<p>jeez, so many threads posted in one night O<em>O. this one was sent to mid of the 2nd page O</em>O.</p>

<p>Anyway, before this thread dies, are there any other opinions on JHU? Preferably on their outlook on diversity or a.a.?</p>

<p>(triple posting... sorry O_O)</p>

<p>Holy cow. This thread got pushed back 3 pages... This is the last time I'm posting again. If this thread gets pushed back a page again, I'll let it die.</p>

<p>I'm fine with it dieing, but if anyone has any more advice, chances, or opinions, please speak out and reply. I would really appreciate it.</p>

<p>**I am a Junior, at a small public school. There aren't too many competitive kids there. However, a student from last year's graduating class got accepted to Harvard.</p>

<p>Unfortunately it will be difficult for me to distinguish myself among the tens of thousands of applicants (per undergrad school) because I have not taken any AP courses yet.**</p>

<p>That will hurt.. however ur a URM with a nice SAT score. If you apply early to JHU, I think you have a very good chance. Just pwn the essays and up your rank-now. Naruto....</p>