Rice Debate Team?

Does anybody know if the debate team is very active? Do they travel a lot as well? I plan on debating in college and really want to attend Rice so I was just curious.

Thank you!

Yes, the debate team is very active! I’m not on the team but I have a couple of friends who are on the team and they actually travel a lot and are super involved in it. They have their own web page and all if you look up George R. Brown Forensics Society

Our website kind of sucks, so don’t be discouraged by that. Rice has one of the best debate teams in the circuit, and we travel a lot. We also win a lot. Rice’s debate team almost exclusively does parliamentary debate, though. If you want more diversity in events, join the speech side. The team is intentionally small – we currently have a total of 12 members, speech and debate combined. But it’s a fun time and you’ll get super close to your teammates.

Article about Rice debate team
