Rice RD 2026

Thanks again for the advice.
At this time she wishes to go into Cardiology and she did a ton of research in that area in a school course called ISM - Independent Study Mentorship
But again we never know if they change their mind later :slight_smile:

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I think last year they had more students accept their spots than expected which lead them to be slightly overenrolled. I suspect they are trying to avoid that this year.


We, and our daughter really liked the idea of Rice. Great education, excellent campus culture, gorgeous campus, closer to home. Devastated when she was waitlisted. Now so sorry we didnā€™t just get in the car snd drive there. Cancelled 2 visits visa plane because of covid variant. We have seen NO schools. Cost and time have been prohibitive. She got in to Columbia and Carnegie Mellon with great offers. Still hoping for Rice even though it would confuse everything. Feel like the vibe at Rice is better suited to her. National Merit Scholar, 4.2 gpa, did have interview, donā€™t remember her SAT score, sheā€™s such a hard worker! Largely been allowing her to handle this on her own. Thanks for listening. This has been a very emotional roller coaster.


My daughter got into Rice with scholarship and waitlisted at Columbia among other ivys! She feels disappointment too

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Hi! My daughter was admitted to Rice and plans on majoring in mechanical engineering. She is thrilled! Glad to hear your daughter is having a good experience. She was also accepted at UT Austin, Carnegie Mellon and Vanderbilt.
I know some have UT and Carnegie Mellon ranked higher for ME but we know there are more factors to consider. I have a few questions:

  1. What other schools did she consider? Why Rice?

  2. Has she had any internship/externship/co-op opportunities yet?

She will be attending Owl Day for admitted students next week!

Anyone attending Owl express days?

Canā€™t make the owl admitted student days. Wish both days werenā€™t basically the same weekend. We have a conflict.

My daughter wants to meet other prospective freshman. Deciding between Rice, Georgia Tech, and USC for CS.


@KCSunshine48 Congrats to your daughter on her great choices - tough decision! And to you @RSM as well! Happy to answer any detailed questions via PM.

  1. My daughter considered Wash U in St. Louis and Northwestern in addition to the University of Illinois (we were local at the time), University of Wisconsin at Madison and Northeastern. Her father (my husband) is an alum of Rice and it wasnā€™t really on her radar until they visited together - she fell in love with it and decided to apply ED - so she didnā€™t really have the rest of where to apply figured out. (As an aside, I was really worried she was going to fall victim to yield protection at some schools she considered her ā€œsafetiesā€.)

She skipped a grade and has an early birthday so she was going to start college at barely 17 - so we were looking for somewhere a little smaller. She was pretty sure that engineering was going to be her field of study - just not sure which branch. Both my husband and I are Mechanical Engineers by education. I graduated from the University of Michigan - but in hindsight it felt so impersonal. I was admitted to Carnegie Mellon but was worried about having to transfer if I decided to pursue something aside from engineering. My husband ended up at Rice because with his scholarships it ended up being cheaper than the University of Wisconsin (he grew up in Milwaukee) - and he only applied to Rice because his father was interviewing for a job there at the time.

In hindsight, her choice of Rice has been perfect for her. The ME department is pretty small and some core classes are taught only once per year so if you miss it for some reason, it can mess up your four year plan. For five minutes she had a lofty plan to double major in ME and EE because she loves the intersection of the two but has gotten very involved with a couple of extracurriculars - the Rice rocketry team called Eclipse - she is the chief engineer - and the Rice Ultimate Frisbee team - they went to nationals last year! She is also on the ME student advisory board. And this summer she will be an O-week advisor.

  1. She has had two great internships and another planned for this summer. The summer after her freshman year - 2020 - sent home to Chicago before the end of the semester due to COVID - she interned remotely for a small local software company where she helped develop an AI tool for determining if people are wearing masks. She secured it before the pandemic through a professional colleague of mine. Many of her classmates had their internships rescinded or curtailed due to the pandemic.

Last summer (summer after her sophomore year), she had an internship with Boston Scientific in Minneapolis working in advanced manufacturing on AI and vision systems. She had several offers - all of which she received through contacts or interviews at the Society of Women Engineers national conference job fair held virtually.

And this summer she has an internship lined up at Relativity Space in Long Beach CA (3D printed space bound rockets!!). She had several other offers, primarily connected through the SWE job fair again. But Relativity was her dream and she made it happen - several alum from the Rice rocketry club work there so had a direct connection.

Sorry for the long winded answer - but happy to help in any way I can.


My daughter is American Indian female , which school has more diversity between Washu and Rice? Do you know?

I will link to their admissions statistics from last years class from. Rice reports statistics based on both federal definitions of race/ethnicity and self-identified race/ethnicity which are not the same. Because many students self-identify as more than one race the percentages add up to more than 100% for that report. I think WashU only reports based on federal definitions so those are probably the numbers from Riceā€™s report that youā€™ll want to use for comparison purposes.

This is very useful to know. So is it correct to say that Asian American is 35% and 24% in Rice and WashU respectively? Thanks

Does anyone have more information on the geographic diversity? The Class Profile listed International: 13% Texas: 37% Outside of Texas: 50%. Some colleges provide information on breakdowns from each state.

Iā€™m not sure exactly where to find this information.

I found the stats below at some other website but Iā€™m not sure where they are pulling this from. It seems to be the stats of one class, but Iā€™m not sure which one. My Dā€™s class had more students from our state than the 3 this shows so it must not be her year (sheā€™s a junior). Itā€™s also showing more students from Texas than they currently report. So, Iā€™m not sure if this is accurate or not.

Thank you! I saw that as well. As you pointed out, it doesnā€™t seem to reflect the current state demographics. I am trying to encourage my daughter to consider geographic diversity as part of the decision process.

I know you didnā€™t ask about economic diversity but this is interesting information Chetty College Mobility - The New York Times

The median family income of a student from WashU is $272,000 , and 84% come from the top 20 percent.

The median family income of a student from Rice is $160,800, and 64% come from the top 20 percent.


After two weeks of waiting on financials, Rice told us they need one more formšŸ˜©. I wish they could have told us that a little sooner. Not sure if we will know financials before the decision day.

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We are going on owl day on April 8th. My daughter is excited to go! Are there any tips of meeting with professor or seeing dorm life. Also are there thing to do when we are in Houstonā€¦ thanks for sharing the information

Did anyone receive an acceptance packet in the mail? We got a tshirt, but nothing else.

I got my tshirt and acceptance packet a few days apart. T shirt came a few days ago and the packet today

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We will be at Owl Express! Sheā€™s going to GT student Admittance this weekend so they conflict.

We saw GT over the summer so going to Rice for Owl day! Let me know what you think!