Rich vs. Poor

<p>A lot of top small Lacs as well as top ivies have a lot (about 50 percent) of extremely affluent kids. When I visited Amherst I saw kids, who's clothes could pay for a month worth of feeding of a middle-sized african tribe (if you throw in his 4k watch and another 800 dollar bracelet). Are there many kids like this in UofC? PLease don't answer if you haven't ever visited at least.</p>

<p>Yes, there are people on campus whose families are rich, but you'd be hard-pressed to tell them apart. In a lot of ways people don't care much about appearances here, though there are exceptions. I, for one, came from a lower-middle-class family and had most of my tuition paid for via need-based aid. Remember that admission at Chicago is need-blind, i.e., not contingent upon your financial circumstances.</p>

<p>During my visit I didn't see many over-the-top dressed to impress people, everyone seemed pretty relaxed clothe-wise, intense learning wise.</p>

<p>-nice combination for me</p>

<p>Of course there are some very rich people at most private schools, but some tend to specifically attract rich people via sheer prestige more than others. Chicago is not a school that very many people go to just because "it sounds pretty" - it's name is less attractive than the Ivies and it's simply too much work, starting even with the application. So although there are some rich people on campus, they aren't flocking there to flaunt their affluence like they might to HYPS etc.</p>