<p>Source: The University and the Creative Economy, 2006</p>
<p>Most who have commented on the university’s role in the economy believe the key lies in increasing its ability to transfer research to industry, generate new inventions and patents, and spin-off its technology in the form of startup companies. As such, there has been a movement in the U.S. and around the world to make universities “engines of innovation,” and to enhance their ability to commercialize their research.</p>
<p>This report examines the university’s role in the Creative Economy through the lens of the “3T’s” of economic development: Technology, Talent, and Tolerance. To do so, it examines a wide range of data and trends on technology transfer, startup companies, talent, brain drain, tolerance, and creativity for U.S. metro regions.</p>
<p>City ---- University/Creativity Interaction </p>
<p>Boston .841
New Haven .745
New York City .675
Philadelphia .666
Princeton (Middlesex) .644
Providence .579
Ithaca & Hanover - Not ranked because they are not cities.</p>