<p>My daughter is currently loving life at CMU, but she wants to head home for midsemester break.(weekend of 10/20) It's been a while since I was in school, but we always knew where the ride board was to find rides home. Is there such a thing at CMU? Home is in Maryland. Thanks for any help anyone can give me!</p>
<p>Kteacher, glad your daughter is loving life. I remember the old ride boards, but I'm pretty sure CMU S mentioned its e-board today, can't help you with the links but I'm sure she can find it by asking around.</p>
<p>Thanks loads! Guess her RA would know.</p>
<p>I remember the ride boards when I was in college too. They were great. I want my son to try and get a ride home for Thanksgiving and I have asked him about a ride board many times. He tells me there is a site he has checked that only CMU sudents can get on to check for rides. I imagine your daughter can find out what it is by asking around.</p>