Ride Share Boare/online site

Son’s plans for Spring Break changed and he is now coming home. I remember a site referenced in orientation for students to get rides. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Sending you a pm

Is there a ride sharing board or a facebook page?

Many people have been known to arrange this via FB. Can’t post link here, but try to find group labeled “University of Alabama (UA) Rideshare Group!” I also have in my notes another group: “The University of Alabama (UA) Student Ride Share”. Both are closed groups - you have to join to view. I didn’t join either, so have no experience with this. I believe my son joined one or t’other, tho, and he has used a share ride before. It was ~$20 one way, as I recall from T’town to airport at Christmas.

Salesboy - Yes, as aeromom said, there is a Facebook group. Just make sure you get the right group; one is run by a couple of trusted UA parents/students; another is run by people not connected to UA! I have been involved with this group and it has been extremely helpful to many, many students (and parents who might be helping out their students). “The University of Alabama (UA) Student Ride Share” is the page you want to join if you are a UA student or parent.