Rising Junior - Chances & Advice Please


<p>UCSC is one of the colleges that I would like to attend.</p>

<p>I am currently a sophomore at a great public school.</p>

<p>Sophmore Year:</p>

<p>World History Honors: B / A
Spanish Year 2 Honors: B / C
Physics Honors*: B / B
Math Analysis (Pre Calculus): C / C
English Honors: B / B</p>

<li>= UC Weighted</li>

<p>I took a rather rigorous course load and got a bout a 3.0 UC GPA. This is what I am planning to take next year.</p>

<p>AP Chemistry*
English Honors*
U.S. History
Graphic Design
Virtual Business</p>

<li>= UC Weighted</li>

<p>This schedule will be probably even easier than my sophomore year. I am taking easy classes to raise my GPA. I’ll probably get a UC GPA of 4.0-4.333. It can get me an upward trend.</p>

<p>AP Chem is considered one of the easiest APs at our school.</p>

<p>English Honors is also pretty easy because most of the A and B kids in honors this year are going into AP.</p>

<p>I had terrible teachers in Spanish, and there is no way I could do a third year.</p>

<p>Our school only offers AP Calc, which is known to be ridiculously hard, and Stats, which is known to be easy. I’m thinking about maybe taking Calc later at Community College.</p>

<p>With barely studying at the beginning of this year I got a 176 on the PSAT. I can probably raise that a couple hundred points if I study and prepare for it, which I will have time for with an easy schedule. I also want an easy schedule so I can play lots of tennis, I am pretty sure I will make varsity.</p>

<p>Varsity Tennis</p>

<p>70 Hours Community Service
40 of those hours are in another country.</p>

<p>In State</p>

<p>So, what will be my chances for SC if I graduate in '10. Also, can I get some recommendations and advice for how I could change my schedule or anything that could increase my admissions chances. I still have lots of time. Am I on track and making the right choices? Tips for how I can improve chances for SC and other UCs and other colleges?</p>

<p>Responses would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Please chance me for all UCs.</p>

<p>I'm not sure what I am doing is smart. Would the UCs look down upon me taking easy classes and owning them, or would they really like the 4.0, and upward trend?</p>

<p>It's not like I am taking all normal classes, I am taking an AP and an honors, but still, just making sure.</p>

<p>Im not an expert at this, but I am a rising college freshman set for UCSD so I'll give you some input.</p>

<p>I would say at the rate your going you will definitely get into SC.</p>

<p>I would advice that you get involved with some community services that apply to a major you might want to pursue. Although, your just a sophmore and might not know any major of interest.</p>

<p>As for your schedule, I believe it's good enough for UCSC. Although, because you toned down the rigor to get better grades, that might not play well for you. It's better to get a B in an AP class than an A in a normal class.
But that just me. </p>

<p>Other than that, all you can do is stay motivated. It's your junior year and it plays a critical role in your UC GPA.</p>

<p>Oh also, instead of studying for PSAT, why not study for the SAT. Start studying early so that come time for the real deal you'll be ready.</p>

<p>Ok then,
best of luck to you. ;)</p>

<p>Thanks! Yeah. I meant study for the SAT.</p>

<p>Thanks, I guess I will be fine. I'm basically just working it so I can get the best UC GPA. Will it hurt me to apply to private colleges with that toned down schedule? Or will that be okay for the level of colleges that I would probably be applying to and getting a high GPA.</p>

<p>All input is very appreciated.</p>

<p>Also a rising college freshman, and it seems like A's in regular classes are at least as good (if not better) than B's in AP/Honors classes. For one thing, not all classes are weighted the same way, they have to be UC approved first. So an Honors class that can help inflate your HS GPA won't necessarly be considered as a weighted course for the colleges you apply to.</p>

<p>Just make sure to have a gameplan for college admissions ahead of time. I didn't, and it hurt me a bit, but at least I got into UCI. Also, the service you did in another country is something you can definitely work an essay around... if you do just make sure to include some sort of personal anecdote rather than just using the same old cliches about how it was a "powerful experience". You may write one about something completely different, just providing some tips.</p>

<p>Yeah, I hope that service would make a big difference.</p>

<p>What are my chances for other UCs? Could I make I, SB, or D? Also what would it be for top Cal States?</p>

<p>More feedback is always appreciated.</p>

<p>My son was also a competitve tennis player. He was on Varsity all 4 years of high school and is now headed for UCSD next fall! If you are currently ranked, I would definately contact the coachs of the schools you want to attend NOW!! We met with Coach Hansen, who is the coach @ UCSC and he is a great guy! They have an awsome program even though they are div III. They have won their division many times. Check out the video presentation on the UCSC tennis site about him! Good luck!</p>

<p>cool, it sounds like we're similar. i also play ultimate. anyways any more chancees or advice?</p>