Rising Senior Band enthusiast looking for North East (NJ,PA,CT) colleges with strong CS program


  • US domestic: US citizen
  • State/Location of residency: NJ
  • Type of high school:Public:

**Intended Major(s): Computer Science (looking to go into Cyber Security), minor in history or math

Looking for a school size that will not overwhelm me but still allow for a variety of educational and extra curricular activities. Preferably less than 3 hours from the NJ shore area in a safe surrounding town as I am looking for the “college town” feel as opposed to an urban setting. Drumming is a passion so an active Pep band and/or Marching band is a must. I am completely open to both left and right politics. However, I do tend to be more conservative/religious leaning so I would be happiest where I can find some students similar to myself.

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA:3.9
  • Class Rank: top 10%
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1380

Coursework Mostly AP and honors courses

Awards Archery 1st place winner in 3 state 2022 tournaments

Extracurriculars Stage Crew (4 years), Stage Manager Junior and Senior Year, Marching band (4 years), Drum Captain Junior and Senior Year, Jazz Band (4 years), Golf caddie (3 years), Martial arts (13 years), Olympic weightlifting, Volunteer at the Emmanuel Cancer Foundation (2 years).

Cost Constraints / Budget I’m a triplet, so scholarships will be important to help subsidize my 529 as my parents cannot take out loans for all three of us. Looking to keep out of pocket cost after scholarships under 35k/yr if possible.

Schools Currently looking at the below schools but not sure if they are good fits or if I am missing any colleges I should add to my list.

Reach: Lehigh, Lafayette, Villanova,
Target: Monmouth University, TCNJ, Muhlenberg,
Safety: Kutztown, West Chester, Ursinus, Rider, Rowan, University of New Haven, and DeSales.

Thank you for your help!

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I like it and you may even snag a reach.

As far as money goes you’ll need to run the NPCs for each school when they are set up for next year. $35k may be the goal but what if Nova says you qualify for no need aid. Then it would have to come off etc.

So depending on what each school says and their normal amount of merit, you may need to shift. In other words, wanting a price and being able to achieve a price are two different things.

So your NJ publics will work. If you need to you can add more like a Ramapo. Or NJIT. Your PA publics will work and you might look at Millersville.

Even a SUNY may.

It’s ok to have your privates even if they show higher due to merit but you need financial safeties. And I do think you are ok there. So that’s great !! But if you find out they say you are full pay, even getting in is not going to help you. They’d be unlikely to hit price. York College of Pa might as a private. A bit further but W Carolina would come in waaaaay under. Likely too big and will be hard to get to $35k but U Del? It’s not huge and $35k might be possible. Unlikely but you never know…

Good luck to you. But the list looks fine…to me…with the financial caveat at the privates depending how your need profile shows. And you do have a lot of privates.



Villanova has a great pep band.

If you are interested in these sort of pep or marching bands, reach out to the directors to express and interest and find out the process for becoming a member.


Be sure to run Net Price Calculators to be sure the colleges on your list are expected to be affordable.

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Rowan is a bit bigger than you’re looking for but would meet your budget and likely offer some merit. They recently started a marching band with a huge donation and are great for music opportunities.


Are all of these under $35k per year at list price or with automatic-for-your-stats merit scholarships?

If not, then move them to match or reach based on how difficult the needed scholarship will be to get for you.


If drumming is a passion, have you thought about attending an HBCU? One possibility would be Lincoln (PA ) and auditioning for its marching or pep bands as well as its drumline.

You may also want to look into Widener (PA ) to see if it’s a school that might interest you.


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