Rising sophomore... college suggestions?

<p>Anyone have any suggestions for colleges to look at?</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.52 (with the hardest courses offered)</p>

<p>SAT I - 2370 (800 CR, 790 W, 780 M)
Math 2c - pending results, (780-800ish)
Spanish - pending results, (700ish)
Physics - pending results, no clue
Japanese - will take
Eng Lit - will take
Biology - will take</p>

- FIRST Robotics (will have leadership position)
- Science Bowl (will be captain)
- Mock Trial
- Drama
- Varsity Soccer</p>

<p>Major Awards:
- "Spirit of Riverdale" (top school award for underclassmen)
- "Academic All-Stars All-Around 3rd place" (competitive county award)
- Valedictorian (not shared with anyone else)
- FIRST Robotics "Safety Star of the Day" (only individual award given)</p>

<p>AP's (AP classes not offered, but I will take these tests):
Calc AB (10th)
Calc BC (11th)
English (11th)
Spanish (11th)
Physics??? (11th)
Biology??? (11th)
Japanese??? (11th / 12th)</p>

<p>College credits (anticipated):
Writing 121 - 4 credits
Spanish (300 level and above) - 16 credits
Math (132 level through 252 level) - 12 credits
Japanese??? (200 level and above) - 8-16 credits</p>

<p>So I'm asking for suggestions for colleges. I am interested in engineering and in languages. So far, I am looking at MIT, Olin, Duke, Harvey Mudd, Columbia, and a few safeties (like OSU). If you don't want to give me suggestions, please evaluate my chances at those schools.</p>


<p>wow amazing stats.. keep on that same track and you're golden! The only thing I can say is you dont have many EC's nor do you have anything really unique. Try to do something you are passionate about that will set you apart from the other applicants.. research, internships, get published, etc. etc. But amazing stats none the less.</p>

<p>Oh... I forgot...</p>

<p>Community Service:
150 hours, so far...
95 of which were gotten teaching underprivileged kids in Honduras (yes, I was teaching in Spanish).</p>

<p>You certainly have a good shot at aforementioned universities. I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>Val at Riverdale with a 2370? You don't need us to tell you you'll get into a top school.</p>

<p>by the way, there is no need to take six SAT2's if you get a high 700 in three already.</p>

<p>Stop being obnoxious.</p>