Riverfront Village

<p>I just received notice that my apartment would not be ready for move in next week, but I think they are handling the situation well. Just thought I would share the email they sent out to residents as I know some of you like to keep up to date with the current happenings in Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>"As the completion date nears for Riverfront Village, we wanted to take a moment to update you on our construction progress and plan for the upcoming school year. Our general contractor and construction team have been working tirelessly to accelerate the completion of Riverfront Village.</p>

<p>However, in spite of their continuing efforts, we expect a short delay before residents will be able to occupy the property. These delays are the result of several issues, which are outside of the control of the general contractor. The entire team is working tirelessly to try to allow for occupancy on the original date of next Friday, August 15th.</p>

<p>We believe that most residents will be able to occupy their apartments within 2 to 3 weeks of the start of Fall semester. We know that this delay is extremely inconvenient for you and we will do everything in our power to get your unit move-in ready as soon as possible. To that end, we will be keeping you updated as construction progresses while working to get you into your unit as soon as it can be occupied.</p>

<p>We truly value our relationship with you and are committed to providing you with the highest level of service - both in the normal course of our business and in this extenuating circumstance.</p>

<p>Since we understand the importance of a stable living environment while you attend college, we are offering the following options to you for your consideration in the event that you are unable to move into Riverfront Village when you arrive:</p>

<p>Option 1 - Temporary Accommodation Provided by Riverfront Village</p>

<pre><code>We have obtained temporary accommodations at certain nearby local hotels and apartment communities for the duration of the initial move-in delays. We will pay for this temporary accommodation while we ready your apartment for move-in.

During the time of temporary accommodations at hotels, Riverfront Village will offer free storage accommodations. Additionally, Riverfront Village will hire movers to move all belongings to your unit once it is available for move-in.

For the inconvenience, we will provide a rent credit for 50% of your August and September rental installments.

<p>Option 2 - Temporary Accommodation Provided by Resident</p>

<pre><code>You may decide to live with a friend or family member instead our temporary accommodations.

If you choose option 2, we will provide the rent credits and storage described in Option #1 and in addition, give you a $1,000 gift card within 15 days of move in.

<p>In either Option, you must still pay 50% of your August rent installment in order for Riverfront Village to provide accommodations or storage.</p>

<p>We are committed to providing an extraordinary living experience to you and all future residents. Please accept our sincerest apologies for being unable to deliver this extraordinary living experience for the original move-in date. Also please rest assured that our on-site team is ready to help you through this temporary situation.</p>

<p>Members of our management team will be reaching out to you within the next couple of days to discuss your options. However, should you feel it necessary to contact the team immediately, our on-site team can be reached directly at (205) 727-8400 or via email <a href="mailto:leasing@riverfrontvillage.com">leasing@riverfrontvillage.com</a>. To help in our process, we request that you provide your expected move in date and anticipated selection by Tuesday, August 12th, in the event your unit is not ready on your move in date.</p>

<p>On behalf of Riverfront Village, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this temporary delay may cause. In the very near future, we will have the opportunity to prove to you and all of our future residents that your choice to reside at Riverfront Village was the right choice to make. We WILL deliver an unsurpassed living and customer service experience upon our property opening.</p>

<p>Thank you again for your patience and understanding.</p>


<p>Riverfront Village Management"</p>

<p>I’ll also add that about a month ago, some residents who had chose apartments that were not in the main building (there are 4 or 5) were told their apartments would not be ready until October or November. </p>