Riverside West

<p>My S is a freshman and is moving in on Sunday to Riverside West, second floor. He is in a double and his roommate has decided not to attend (at the last minute). He doesn’t know anyone - we’re OOS (Jacksonville, fl). If you know of anyone in that general vicinity who might be looking for someone to connect with, please PM me so that I can give him the information. He is an Honors student, business major, golfer and will likely want to search out the fraternity idea…Thanks!</p>

<p>Have him fill out his info on the fraternity site ASAP & see if he can find a group of Fr on his floor/ in dorm to make the rounds with as soon as he can.</p>

<p>Make sure he attends the WOW activities. He can download the app onto his phone and pick the activities that interest him. </p>

<p>There is a special party for OOS students, he should attend that.</p>