<p>I am a high school senior and I need some college + career advice/insight. I am very interested in robotics, artificial intelligence and with them -a practical business side. I want to know the perspective of any student or professional in related field about their careers. I want to know what majors and minors are good choices for such interests and any advice on how I should approach it. Also what are some great colleges and programs to study those areas. </p>
<p>Thank You</p>
<p>What I did, what I do: to show what are my interest/"experience" [ you can ignore it if you want ]</p>
<li>I am a south Asian immigrant in USA</li>
<li>I have participated in a winning FRC team, contributed mostly on programming (both tele op and autonomous) and designing</li>
<li>From cousera I took intro classes on psycology and currently taking human computer interaction and machine learning </li>
<li>built a relatively smart website ground up with hundreds of article from contributor with focus on what changes creates best ad clicks. </li>
<li>I think of myself very open minded person who is good at coming up with multiple solution and ideas. I have a huge list of detailed "great" ideas related to AI, robotics and business</li>
<li>I have very basic knowledge of popular programming langues and design softwares such as autodesk inventor </li>
<li>Beside robotics competition I also play around with my breadboard and arduino to create something simple and interactive for fun</li>