Role of Manufacturing Engineers

<p>Manufacturing Engineers (MfE) are the intermediaries between consumers and the production floor. As the key personnel who understand the relationship between the Voices of the Customer (VOC) and the Voices of the Products (VOP), their leadership and management skills are critical in determining optimal processes, minimal production costs, superior products and customer satisfaction. Further, MfEs enhance production by eliminating waste; establishing standardized operations; creating safe, green working environments; and providing training and development to the workforce.</p>

<p>The Manufacturing Engineering (MSMfE) masters program at Bradley University is designed to broaden the career paths of our students in manufacturing sectors. This sector is comprised of all organizations engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials, substances, or components into new products. A list of possible Manufacturing Engineering careers for master’s degree holders includes, but is not limited to, the following:</p>

<p>Manufacturing Engineers at the Caterpillar Technical Center develop new processes that can be used in the development of new products. By optimizing process maps, they ensure that the best procedures are developed and implemented.</p>

<p>Manufacturing Engineers at 3M support the production facility’s efforts to increase product quality and reliability through constant reassessment and refinement of the manufacturing process. In the R&D department, they also develop manufacturing methodologies and equipment for products and subassemblies.</p>

<p>Manufacturing Engineers at General Mills develop automated production lines integrated with on-line quality control and safety inspection to guarantee that the cereals, snacks, and other such consumables they produce are safe, nutritional, and profitable products.</p>