Ronald A. Hammond Scholarship

<p>@NarissaBarbie I just texted my son, and he said nothing stood out that was out of the ordinary or that you wouldn’t expect from a college interview. In other words, questions about your perceived major, your greatest challenges thus far and how you overcame them, things that make you stand out from others, your post-college plans, why you believe you are a good candidate for this scholarship, etc. I would definitely be ready to answer the questions that you wrote about in the Hammond application, and I would also recommend becoming familiar with Ronald Hammond, who the scholarship is named after. </p>

<p>Oh ok. Yeh. I received that email too.</p>

<p>@UMBArchDad, thanks again for the information. May I ask your son’s stats?</p>

<p>@NarissaBabie, what specifically? Grades, extras, or both?</p>

<p>4.35 (or so) GPA, class rank of 11 or 12/435 (I think?)
I looked these up, so I know they are correct - ACT - 34, SAT - 1500 (710CR, 790M)</p>

<p>Keep in mind thought that my son is an Isaac Bashevis Singer Scholar at UM now, not a Robert A. Hammond Scholar. They may not be looking for the same things for the different scholarships, in terms of grades, activities, or interviews.</p>

<p>@UMBArchDad, thank you for the clarification :)</p>

When is the extra essay due prior to the interview?

@jym626‌ February 27th