Room condition, UA housing contact?

<p>My freshman son moved in last week, and we are moving my junior son in East Edge today. For our third move in experience, UA housing has done a fantastic job each time! So organized, helpful, and friendly! I would like to contact someone about the condition of my son’s room/living room area in Ridgecrest East without writing a nasty email. I just want to see what can be done and make sure we are not charged for all the wall damage at the end of the year. He said he did the floor meeting and has not been asked to complete any kind of room condition sheet. Can parents paint? It is BAD. Whom do I contact? My husband was going to go knocking on the floor leader door, but I don’t know if that is the answer. Thanks for any info!</p>

<p>Just talk to the RA on that wing/floor. They will definitely take care of you.</p>

<p>Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 4</p>

<p>i would talk to the RA, but those are just students who may not take it to the next level. I would call Housing and talk to someone who can fix this.</p>

<p>We moved D into her single suite in Lakeside yesterday and we were very disappointed with the condition of the room. It wasn’t the walls or paint, but that it had not been cleaned at all. Items were still in the little fridge which had leaked, puddled and molded on the floor of the kitchen. A hair brush had apparently been cleaned out in the bathroom, since the hair clump was sitting on the bathroom sink. Starting our third year in the dorms and never had this problem before. One of the move-in volunteers saw the fridge issue and went to get maintenance who then cleaned it up. We didn’t have time to wait for them to clean the whole room to unpack so we did that ourselves.</p>

<p>I’m thinking of sending an email to housing so that they are aware of the issue. Somewhere the ball is being dropped.</p>

<p>I would start with the RA, but as others have said, they are only students. The is a Community Director for The Ridgecrest buildings. I’m not sure if the person has changed, but it had been Mrs. Ellen Price. I would ask for the CD or Assistant CD. Both should be in residence in one of the buildings and one should be on call.</p>

<p>You could ask for them at the front desk of RCS or look them up on the housing website. If not, I would call housing on Monday.</p>

<p>Definitely complain to Housing. Go UP THE LADDER. Obviously, those who are in charge of making sure that the dorms are cleaned after they’re used over the summer for various camps, BB’s, etc, is not doing their job.</p>

<p>I’ll look up some names to complain to. Don’t bother with the lower folks.</p>

<p>Be firm. They’re charging a lot, so those dorms should be in top shape…and don’t be afraid to say that.</p>

<p>I realize that most are fine, but all should be fine.</p>

<p>HRC Staff Listing
Housing Administration
Residential Communities
Housing Finance
Housing Operations
Executive Director
[+] Steven Hood, Executive Director
[+] Tina Moore, Administrative Specialist
Housing Administration
[+] Alicia Browne, Director of Housing Administration
[+] Julie Elmore, Assistant Director for Off-Campus and Greek Housing
[+] Cathy Morris, Assistant Director for Technology and Information Systems
[+] Judy Carter, Assignments Coordinator
[+] Tonya Nail, Assignments Coordinator
[+] Janine Gascoigne, Marketing Coordinator
[+] Whitney Sewell, Coordinator for Off-Campus Housing
[+] Keslie Fendley, Office Associate II
[+] Stephanie Pruitt, Office Associate II
Residential Communities
[+] Dr. Chris Holland, Director of Residential Communities
[+] Laura Sanders, Associate Director for Residential Communities
[+] Cole Altizer, Area Coordinator
[+] Reginald Lane, Area Coordinator
[+] Gretchen Lynum, Area Coordinator
[+] Jeremy Henderson, Coordinator of Peer Counseling
[+] Jimmy Hubbard, Coordinator of Student Conduct
[+] Mary Thornton, Coordinator of Student Staff Selection and Training
[+] Pam Smelser, Office Associate Senior
[+] Julie Constant, Office Associate II
[+] Nicole Dee, Office Associate II
[+] Stephanie Mosley, Office Associate II
Housing Finance
[+] Cathy Bolling, Assistant Director for Housing Finance
[+] Marc Knight, Billing Coordinator
[+] Dee Cook, Accounting Assistant
Housing Operations
[+] Matthew Kerch, Director of Housing Operations
[+] Regina Stapleton, Office Associate Senior
[+] Dave Brewer, Assistant Director of Housing Operations
[+] Beth Eubanks, Coordinator of Logistics
[+] Andrew Hester, Assessment Coordinator
[+] Ryan Hofman, Coordinator of Conferences and Special Projects</p>

<p>Echo the cleaning problem. My daughter’s suite in Ridgecrest South had a layer of what could only have been dog hair (??) on the carpets, hard floors, windowsill and blinds. Glad the girls had coordinated bringing a vacuum, but it took a bit of elbow grease to clean all the hard surfaces.</p>

<p>In the past, students have been giving a paper form of the RCR to complete and return to their RA. Now, we have a new system. Your students will be sent an electronic copy and they can either accept the condition of the room as reported by the staff who has already gone through the room and noted damage, or they can add to the report. No need to contact housing. It is on its way as soon as this move-in weekend is over. However, if there is an immediate or emergency problem, by all means call.</p>

<p>I agree withM2CK, you should contact the higher authorities in housing ASAP either by email or phone or both and let them know of the unacceptable room conditions. No student should have to move into a dirty room, nor should they have to wait for some form to make its way through the system after they have been forced to move into a dirty room. At a minimum, the higher authorities need to know that someone down the string of command dropped the ball so that they can take corrective actions to help prevent this from happening to future students.</p>

<p>I would even go beyond UA housing to those at UA who are above UA housing so that they know UA housing dropped the ball.</p>

<p>Take pictures of everything! and keep those pics.</p>

<p>It annoys me that housing can be so picky about what they charge for when students depart, yet THEY can be sloppy in regards to the condition that some units are in.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t go above housing UNLESS the “higher ups” in housing flake after being made aware of the situation. </p>

<p>I would NOT hesitate to make demands that they immediately rectify any inadequacies. They’re charging a good price, and therefor it’s not unreasonable to expect that each unit be inspected before occupancy! What the heck??? </p>

<p>This is bad PR for Housing, and frankly, they need to get their act together. They have plenty of employees…so staffing shouldn’t be the problem.</p>

<p>I mentioned talking to the RA first, as they have the ability to document the issues encountered and report it up the chain. I wasn’t inferring that the RA was your only option, just that is a good place to start.</p>

<p>My son is an RA in another building this year, and they do have a system for documenting and reporting issues for Facilities to address.</p>

<p>I agree the issues need to be addressed immediately, I just know they have a process they need to follow to document and report the items which require repair, etc.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the replies! We just got back home in Texas from Tuscaloosa. I’ll be contacting someone tomorrow.</p>


<p>I wasn’t inferring that you were implying to only contact an RA. I understand that. It’s just that move in is now, and immediate action must take place otherwise the student has to get settled, classes start, and then the student is too busy to really follow up.</p>

<p>We had an issue at my older son’s grad school apt (at another univ). My son’s grad apt (owned by the univ) wanted to move my son into a “temporary place” while they corrected the issue and then move back into his place later (after classes started when we wouldn’t be there to help get things settled AND he’d be too busy with academic demands to move again). We went “up the ladder” immediately and they rectified things quickly so that there wouldn’t be a move out, move back in ridiculous situation. </p>

<p>The “lower folks” (RA’s and other folks) just don’t have the power to make things happen quickly when they NEED to happen quickly.</p>

<p>TXA’s D is also in Ridgecrest. When I met up with her the other day she said the whole building was in bad shape after this summers residents. From what she told me they marked all of the rooms in “poor” condition. I was told that the walls had chunks out of them, bathroom door kicked in, dirty, etc. Just B-A-D!</p>

<p>I am thinking that whoever was in those rooms this summer should not be invited back, period!</p>

<p>UA also needs to allow more time between when summer residents move out and the fall residents move in. I think there were still camps of high school kids going on up until the last minute this summer.</p>

<p>Agreed!! My daughter’s room in RCE was in poor condition!!</p>

<p>Having moved out after most other students this past May, I saw groups of 3-4 cleaning staff go into each suite and clean them. There must not have been enough time to clean rooms between the time summer residents left and fall residents moved in. Using the concepts of deferred maintenance, resource coordination, and paying overtime, UA could take cleaning and maintenance staff from other areas of campus and have them help clean residence hall rooms before new occupants arrive.</p>

<p>If one was checking into a hotel, they would simply go down to the front desk and ask for a clean room. For obvious reasons, that doesn’t work in a college dorm with 100% occupancy. Still, contact the management (Housing and possibly Financial Affairs) and have them get cleaning and maintenance over to the room ASAP.</p>

<p>Hope you get the quick response that we received. When we moved DD into Blount on the 8th, we ended up calling the RA and the Office of Health and Welfare (think that’s the title). We moved a dresser away from a wall and found a fairly large patch of mold growing on the wall and water seeping out of the baseboard. Turned out to be an issue with the A/C vent in that wall but they came that night to sterilize the room and returned later to repair the A/C issue. They were very supportive and made this very nervous mom feel better about the situation(leaving her baby at school was bad enough but thinking of her in that room with mold was more than I could handle). I’d encourage you to call Housing.</p>

<p>Re post #9, above, can someone tell me if the room condition forms that are coming electronically sometime soon to students…do students write comments on that form and send it back electronically, or do they have to print it out and then write comments on it, and then give it to someone? (I did not read the email sent to students.)</p>