
<p>I know that some of the residence halls are mixed ages in terms of having both upper and lowerclassmen, such as Dejope and Liz water. What are the chances of getting stuck with an upperclassmen by choosing to do "random roommate"? As an incoming freshman I am looking to be paired with another freshman. Should this deter me from doing random roommate?</p>

<p>Parent of freshman here, a current student would know better than I do but, from what I understand from housing office, returning students get to pick their floors (maybe rooms too, I can’t remember) and are likely to have chosen a roommate if they are in a double. My guess is that, for many returning students, they are probably paying the single room surcharge and getting a singles. My son (Sellery) doesn’t know any freshman, in any dorm, with a sophomore roommate, though that doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. Check the FAQs on housing office site, and if there is a web chat or other mechanism to get questions answered, follow up on this. </p>

<p>If you are on the admitted students FB group, you have seen the posts looking to match with roommates. My son found his roommate that way, and they get along really well. If you are nervous about truly random, you can pre-select for certain traits by finding someone on FB – compatible views on partying, studying in room vs. library etc. You don’t have to be best friends, just able to get along well enough. </p>

<p>Good luck, and congrats.</p>