Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

I’m hoping for a new picture of another part of this room!

Um should I mention that in some neighborhoods here, a pineapple strategically placed outside the house signifies that you’re a swinger.
True and confirmed by a couple real estate agents and a server at a neighborhood restaurant that facilitates hookups.

@SuburbMom, that is incredible! Sounds like you handled it just right. When my baby moved in to her dorm, we got there at 8:30, thinking we would be first, move her things in quickly and skedaddle. However, her roommate had apparently arranged for special permission to move in the day before. We opened the door, with 2 student helpers leading the way, to find my daughter’s new roommate in bed with a young man. The student helpers said, “Oh, my!” and the roommate woke up. The young man scurried out.

I imagine the student helpers had at least one funny story to tell about the shocked mom and her daughter:)!

@oldUVAgrad OMG!! Already a young man in the bed… geesh

My plan for the evening- watching reruns of Psych to see if I can spot all the pineapples!

Just talked to S as he was packing. Talked him into taking a couple more things. His roommate has moved in and has shared some pictures with him. (He didn’t share with me of course). Apparently they need a carpet and drapes but are going to get that once S moves in so they can pick some they both like. Sounds like it will work with them.

He did inform me that he has a date with a girl that is an athlete so has a great apartment with her own kitchen. He is already talking about hanging out over there a lot. She has a big-time helicopter mom who will luckily be 12 hours away Talking to that mom I could see her being just like that girl’s mom but they told the athletes exactly what they could bring and nothing more.

Can’t wait to walk around the dorm on Friday. Of course S is on the top floor of an 8 story dorm.

Perhaps as part of the roommate contract the OP’s daughter should insist that all pillows and throws be laundered weekly to prevent dust mites.

OP: A huge part of parenting is leading by example. Give yourself a pat on the back. You really handled this in a rational manner.

You must live a short distance from campus or else you are a saint. I can only imagine finding your situation after a 4+ hour drive.

I grow pineapples, all around my house. My front yard mat is all pineapples. I had no idea I could be sendI got a certain message.

I would have mov d all her stuff to her bed, Including the TV and the chair. I sure hope the DD is not like the mom.

Sighing that I have nothing relevant to add to a fun topic. The army provides everything my son and his roommates need–absolutely identical and even-steven for each, no encroachment possible, and no parents allowed in the barracks. Perhaps I could be “that” mom by knitting tasseled gun covers or sending a camo pineapple. :frowning:

ETA: So I looked up “camoflauge pineapple” and several pics of hand grenades came up. I can see that; they kinda look like tiny pineapples, I guess. Might be a solution to OP’s daughter’s problem…

"It’s all outrageous but I choked at the description of a thickly padded headboard. May be the only one in a dorm room anywhere. "

For those newer to CC or who might have missed it at the time:

I want to give everyone a big thanks for all the support and for making me smile. D actually called home tonight (I had a dinner meeting and missed it!) and she’s in great spirits. So this is all behind her. And I’m able to laugh about it. Especially the 22 pillows. I looked at the Southern Living room, and I’ve looked at other rooms on pinterest, and I swear 23 pillows (because D brought one to sleep on) in one room has got to be a record!

The Southern Living dorm rooms aren’t my taste but:

  1. at least the roommates coordinated together and both seem to be onboard.

  2. They are highly stylized but no 22 pillows, 2 lamps on a desk, etc. Roommate and mom definitely don’t embrace the “less is more” camp of decorating.

Glad to hear your daughter is happy! That is the only thing that matters in the end.

Hopefully the roommate will turn out to be a decent roommate (if not even a friend)… and maybe, through living with your daughter, her roommate will become more aware of the needs and feelings of others. After all, living with someone else with a different background and perspectives is part of the college experience. Hopefully your daughter will be able to assert her needs in the roommate relationship, and hopefully the roommate will be receptive to hearing them, when her mother is not around.

Best of luck to your daughter!

We are " more is more" people but my girls were adamant that they not take up even one inch over their 50 percent of their room. I think one of the roomates dad blanched when he saw my daughters 35 pairs of shoes ( accumulated over the 7 years since she’s been the same size) but looked relived when he realized she had a storage plan that didn’t involve taking up any space that wasn’t hers.

Both of my kids are in the “less is more” camp…so I can’t even imagine taking THAT much stuff to college.

We thought we were extravagant because we got a cushion for the wooden desk chair.

I changed my avatar to one of the bed with pillows. The rest of them are on the futon. I’ll try to remember to upload that picture sometime tomorrow evening.

Honestly, I would have no problem with someone having this decor in their room at home. It’s not my taste, but to each his own. I just wish they weren’t on the floor every evening and preventing people from even sitting on the futon. Two or three pillows and one throw would have been plenty.

I just can’t see that bed being remade like that daily. It would take so long! Pinterest vomited on that bed.

Is the roomate tiny because I don’t know how she’d fit in that bed otherwise. What with all the pillows.