Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

“If Mohammed wouldn’t come to the mountain, then the mountain CAME to Mohammed.”
Oops, insert ‘Pineapple’!

Oh thank you for more pictures! I wonder if a floor covered in pillows is also considered a fire hazard? Because I cannot imagine her getting into bed and sleeping without dumping said pillows on the floor, nor can I picture any college student remaking their bed each day (complete with the artfully draped and layered throw/bedspread). It actually is lovely…just 3x too much of it.

My son will have more than one pillow. Without that thickly padded headboard…one needs some propping to avoid whacking ones head on cinder block. But they are real pillows, for stacking.

I think the mom couldn’t decide which ones she liked best and just kept going till all of a sudden it was 22! Very glad your D is in such great spirits, that is all that matters.

Pininterest vomit is dead on though.

Are those lights or ornaments on the headboard? The roommate must not study or read in bed as she’ll have to be almost laying down to do that without smashing her head on those things.

It makes one wonder…if (according to BB&B) the average dorm set up costs are 1K…what is it for SEC schools competing to be in Southern Hospitality and hiring decorators and custom made headboards?

I actually like the white hassock on the floor. She can use it to climb into bed and a guest could sit on it.

Did the mother actually take any of the ‘fire hazards’ home?

I’m not sure the clutter in the room would bother me as much as the described clutter in the bathroom. I don’t like a lot of things in an already small room.k

Looking forward to the photos of the futon.

@ChoatieMom “Perhaps I could be “that” mom by knitting tasseled gun covers” LOL!

@SuburbMom Thanks for the new pic :slight_smile: And so glad to hear your daughter’s happy. I agree with other posters that you handled this very nicely. I may have misbehaved had I been in your shoes.

There may be a much simpler explanation. Maybe the roommate’s mom had her one and only big break in the following:

@SuburbMom Thank you for updating the photo! Your descriptions were spot on accurate! Lol! I’m on the edge of my seat for next photo!

Love the photos, thank you. Ds’s gf (I think ex gf as of today) was telling me they are getting a large U-Haul to take her and her two friends to college later this week. They have sofa’s refinished desks, padded headboards etc. The difference is that they have an apartment not a dorm!

@maya, a shoe caddy was one of the top priorities for D’s dorm room with at least 35 pairs of shoes, I think it was most likely more lol. Add to that dozens of scarfs and the backside of her closet door was filled to the brim. She lucked out though…each suite had a very large closet outside the bathroom for extra shared storage between the five girls. She put a big bucket of bathroom stuff in there but two weeks later no one else had put anything in. She used it to store her ski equipment, guitar, extra bedding…BONUS. At the end of the year she had pretty much filled the closet with all her stuff and no one else used it at all.

I understand to each his own, and the color scheme is similar to my daughter’s, but all that stuff looks messy to me and would really bother me. God bless your D for dealing with that.

You rock, by the way, with the photos and descriptions! You are definitely the top mom on CC this week!

ROFLMAO! The round pouf of the floor kills me! And is that a glass-fronted night stand next to the pile of pillows? Hope that doesn’t get accidentally get broken. On the other hand, maybe some nice plate glass to serve the pineapple crumble on isn’t such a bad idea.

My 17 year old daughter has-- no joke-- a pineapple ring holder thing she got at Target that she ADORES. I’ll have to remind her to pack it next year.

My middle D had a suite like that with three girls. It was a two-room suite with otherwise large rooms. The girls never used that closet, either, which was completely empty. Ultimately they ended up putting a futon and a bistro table in there. When their friends came to stay, they called it a guest room.

My friend’s son is a football player, so his suitemates and he are all good friends and teammates.

They put all 4 beds in one room of the suite, using a bunk bed setup.

The other room is their “living room” with a futon, TV,and coffee table.

Too funny.

@bjkmom you need to begin collecting more pineapples if you want to compete!!! Lol

This is so funny! It is one of those “at the moment it was terrible, but afterward you had to laugh” moments in life. I’m glad OP is getting the laugh out of it!

Now these pictures just seem like terrible clutter. That is not a southern living thing at all. You can have the crazy pillow bed, but why 2 lamps on the table? Why all the junk at the foot of the bed. Why is her desk covered in stuff…my head is going to explode! I’d be forever decluttering and reorganizing. And maybe some low key "pruning while roommate isn’t there. How would she even know anything is missing?

As you can tell, I hate clutter and would freak if I had this roommate. Kids are messy enough without sending them to school with a full on “mess kit”!

Keep the pics coming!

@bjkmom - my son has 2 roommates. They are in one big room, but they too moved all their stuff into little “areas” so they have a big open area for the TV, seating, a rug, etc. I haven’t seen it yet, but it sounds like a good set up for a bunch of teen boys :slight_smile:

Doesn’t it though? And the thought of 4 football players in one presumably tiny little dorm room does make me smile.

@SuburbMom thanks for the updated avatar with the bed. Please be sure to (eventually) include one of the bathroom.

How will your DD’s roommate make room for all the Greek letter stuff that will show up once she pledges a sorority?

Please tell me the roommate’s major isn’t interior design!

I don’t understand the pillow thing. We occasionally stay at B and B’s where you arrive to a small room with a bed covered with pillows. There’s no place to put them except the floor, so you know it’s a bed covered with dirty pillows.

Right. Isn’t that nasty?